
Contact details » Mailroom


On this page you will find all important information about the operation of the mailroom in the library building and the conditions for receiving documents.

Important information

Document delivery

Delivery address: Library of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Národní 1009/3, 110 00 Prague 1

List of data formats in which the library accepts documents in digital form: pdf, pdf/a, xlsx, xls, doc, docx, jpeg, jpg.

A list of portable technical data carriers accepted by the library includes: CD-ROMs, DVD-ROMs, USB drives, and external drives. These must be compatible with the Windows platform and free of viruses or damage. If any issues are detected, library staff will request the sender to rectify them.

Consequences of delivering an incomplete or damaged document in analogue or electronic form: If a document is found to be incomplete or illegible, and the sender’s contact details are available, the sender will be notified of the defect. If the defect cannot be rectified in cooperation with the sender, the mailroom will not process the document. If the sender’s contact details are unidentifiable, the document will not be processed.

Handling requests, proposals, and other submissions from citizens in accordance with Act No. 106/1999 Coll., on free access to information.

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