Databases and Catalogues »


The Knihově web portal serves as a main platform for research on Czech book culture. It provides access to bibliographic resources, interpretive texts, and new research tools.

Bibliographic Database of Bohemian Printed Books, Manuscripts, and Modern Literature

The portal features a comprehensive bibliographic database of Bohemian printed books, manuscripts, and modern literature. This database contains data on printing and manuscript production in the Czech lands up to 1800, effectively merging two previously separate branches of Czech national retrospective bibliography — the Knihopis and the Bibliography of Foreign- Language Printed Bohemica up to 1800 (BCBT). It also includes descriptions of Bohemian manuscripts and a bibliography of modern literature on codicology and library science.

Encyclopedia of the Book in the Czech Middle Ages and Early Modern Period

The portal also features an online Encyclopedia of the Book in the Czech Middle Ages and Early Modern Period. This resource is based on the Encyclopaedia of the Book published in 2006 by Petr Voit, with new entries added, particularly focusing on manuscript books.

Map of Print Production in Bohemia and Moravia up to 1800

The portal includes a Map of Print Production in Bohemia and Moravia up to 1800, which visualizes print production in the Czech lands. The map serves as a modern research tool, offering analysis of Bohemian print production in terms of language, theme, and genre.

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