The CEJSH database was established by the academies of sciences of the Visegrad Four countries with the aim of creating an open-access database containing English abstracts of scientific articles, written mainly in national languages.
It currently contains journals in the social sciences and humanities published in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Serbia, Slovenia and Ukraine.
The articles are classified into 18 groups according to their field:
- anthropology,
- archaeology,
- art and architecture,
- economics,
- education,
- Ethnology,
- History,
- law and governance,
- Library and Information Science,
- media and communication,
- other social sciences,
- philology and linguistics,
- philosophies,
- political science,
- psychology,
- Sociology,
- theology,
- science.
Depending on the policy of each publisher, articles are made available in three modes:
- abstract only,
- full text,
- link to full text in external source.