EBSCO eBooks

EIZ » EBSCO eBooks

EBSCO eBooks

EBSCO eBooks

EIZ » EBSCO eBooks

EBSCO eBooks


EBSCO eBooks is a multidisciplinary and multi-genre full-text database of eBooks.
Some of the content remains stable, some of it can change continuously.
Users who do not have an account in the database can search and read books online, or save, print or email selected sections (maximum 100 pages).
To download the complete book to your own device, an account is required (free of charge).
The borrowing period is up to 7 days and the reader can have a maximum of 50 books borrowed at the same time.
Books are made available under a single license, so a book can only be downloaded by one user at a time.
However, users can make reservations for borrowed books.


Type of document:++electronic books
Type of source: full-text database
Subject++Library Science, natural sciences, leisure literature, social sciences, another
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