Large catalogue of satellites and space probes Space 40

EIZ » Large catalogue of satellites and space probes Space 40

Large catalogue of satellites and space probes Space 40

Large catalogue of satellites and space probes Space 40

EIZ » Large catalogue of satellites and space probes Space 40

Large catalogue of satellites and space probes Space 40


Space 40 is a dedicated database containing a list of all successful space launches from 1957 to 2012, including descriptions of individual satellites and probes and a brief overview of astronauts, spaceports, launch vehicles, projects and accidents.
Also included is a statistical overview of the catalogued objects, broken down by orbit type and functionality, and an overview of launches with large numbers of fragments.
Antonín Vítek, a leading Czech cosmonautics expert and long-time employee of the Academy of Sciences, was behind the project from its inception until his death.


Availability:++freely accessible
Type of document:++another
Type of source: Other

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