des gesamten Buchwesens Online

EIZ » Lexikon des gesamten Buchwesens Online

Lexikon des gesamten Buchwesens Online

des gesamten Buchwesens Online

EIZ » Lexikon des gesamten Buchwesens Online

Lexikon des gesamten Buchwesens Online


Lexikon des gesamten Buchwesens is an explanatory dictionary for the field of library and related sciences.
It contains almost 21,000 entries in all fields related to the book as a form of presentation of intellectual content – from creation, distribution, preservation, data processing to media studies.
More than 400 authors contributed to the dictionary and it is based on the second, completely revised edition of the LGB (9 vols., Stuttgart: Anton Hiersemann, 1987-2016).


Type of document:++another
Type of source: Other
Subject++Library Science

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