Ovid's Metamorphoses

EIZ » Ovid’s Metamorphoses in Historical Book Illustration

Ovid’s Metamorphoses in Historical Book Illustration

Ovid's Metamorphoses

EIZ » Ovid’s Metamorphoses in Historical Book Illustration

Ovid’s Metamorphoses in Historical Book Illustration


The database of Ovid’s Transformations in Historical Book Illustration contains illustrations from the books of Ovid’s Transformations from the historical collection of the KNAV.
These books have been completely digitized and the individual illustrations have been described in detail according to the methodology for the purposes of book description and arranged for searchability.
The user can browse the illustrations, discover the illustration type, main themes and attributes of the illustration, and search and compare illustrations using keywords and a character index.
They can also find out which artists created the illustration and what graphic technique they chose.
Each illustration is linked to the digitized original book from which it comes, and is also linked to the specific book and verse of Ovid’s Metamorphoses in English translation, so that the user can read the story depicted in the illustration.


Availability:++freely accessible
Type of document:++another
Type of source: Other
Subject++Library Science, another

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