
Research and development in KNAV » The Journal Knihy a dějiny

The Journal Knihy a dějiny

About the journal

Knihy a dějiny (Books and History) is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal published by the Library of the CAS since 1994. Released annually, it focuses on research into the history of book culture, book printing and libraries in Bohemia and Moravia up to the mid-19th century. The journal features source and material studies, along with reviews and reports on both domestic and international scholarly literature, as well as a bibliography of modern book history literature.

The primary language of publication is Czech, with one study translated into English since 2020. Due to the multidisciplinary nature of book culture research, our journal serves as a platform also for scholars in related fields such as literary studies, art and history studies, Bohemian studies, and museology.

The journal is indexed in citation databases including Scopus, ErihPlus, CEJSH, and recensio.net.

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