
Services » Library Loan Services » Returning Books

Returning Books

Users have several options to return borrowed books.

Na výpůjčním pultu v knihovně

1. At the Lending Desk in the Library:

Return books in person with the assistance of a librarian at the lending desk, and have your user account updated immediately.

Návratový knižní box

2. At the Book Return Box:

Return books conveniently through the self-service book return box, even outside regular opening hours. If books are returned during daily opening hours, they will be removed from your account the same day. Books returned after regular opening hours will be removed from your user account on the next opening day.

The book return box is located at Národní 1009/3, Prague 1 (to the right, just behind the entrance door to the building housing the Library of the CAS).

It is accessible from Monday to Friday, from 6 AM to 8 AM.

Přepravní společnost

3. Transport Company

You can also send documents via a shipping company, such as the Czech Post.

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