
Services » Interlibrary Services for Libraries » International Interlibrary Services (IIS)

International Interlibrary Services (IIS)

We facilitate the ordering of documents and article copies that are not available in Czech libraries. You can also place orders through the Virtual Polytechnic Library (VPK).

Registration with the Library of the CAS is required to process orders via our online forms or email. Libraries with valid registration and a KNAV chip card can collect documents or copies in person from the Interlibrary Services Department, located at the back of the study room. We will notify you by email or phone when your materials are ready for pick-up.

In compliance with copyright law, all copies supplied are for the personal use of the requester only, with our library acting as an intermediary.

How to order:

Documents or copies are sent by post, with billing handled via return invoice, usually settled every six months.

Delivery Times:

  • Ordered documents are typically delivered within 2-3 weeks.
  • Copies are usually delivered within 5 working days.
  • In cases where bibliographic data is incomplete or other complications arise, delivery times may be extended, depending on the foreign library’s capabilities.

If the requested library cannot provide the service within one month, we will inform you regarding the order status by email. Orders not processed within three months will be considered pending.

e-mail: mmvs@knav.cz | Phone: 221 403 212

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