
Services » Interlibrary Services for International Libraries

Interlibrary Services for International Libraries

For libraries registered with the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, we facilitate the ordering of books, documents, or parts thereof from both domestic and international sources.

You can use the ZÍSKEJ platform and the Virtual Polytechnic Library (VPK) to order. For libraries registered in the Library of the CAS, we also offer the possibility of ordering via web forms or e-mail.

Registering with a KNAV chip card allows you to use our self-service ILS  system at no charge and to personally pick up all delivered documents and copies at our library. The provision of interlibrary loan services is governed by the library’s rules and regulations, which include a price list specifying the fees for each service.

We prioritize orders placed through the ZÍSKEJ or VPK platforms to ensure fast and efficient service.
If you are registered with us, you can also use our convenient web form, the SKC-CASLIN form, or simply send an email to place your order. With a KNAV chip card, you can self-service order documents directly from our catalogue.

Additionally, self-check pick-up in the study room and self-service borrowing of documents are completely free of charge.


Reprographic services can be ordered through the VPK. If you are registered with our library, you can also use our online form or email to place an order.

Registering with your KNAV chip card provides the option to pick up copies in person at the library.


We arrange orders for documents and copies of articles that are not available in Czech libraries.

To order via our online forms or email, you must be registered with us.

Orders can also be placed through the Virtual Polytechnic Library (VPK).


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