
Study room » Library plan and Facilities

Library plan and Facilities

Library plan

Library Map / Library Floor Plan
Library Map / Library Floor Plan

Relaxation Room in the Study Room

Relaxation room is the perfect place to unwind from your studies. It offers a fully equipped kitchenette and vending machines with snacks so you can enjoy a snack or soft drink at any time, and there are plenty of coffee options to choose from, both instant and freshly ground beans. In addition, you can have a quiet conversation in peace, including phone calls.


You can store your personal belongings, such as coats or backpacks, in the the cloakroom. There are self-service lockers that allow you to store your belongings during daytime opening hours.

Choose a free locker marked with a green LED and lock it after storing your belongings by attaching your reader card or visitor card to the reader. To unlock the locker, simply attach the reader card again.

Book Return Box

You can conveniently return books using the Book Return Box, which allows you to return borrowed items outside of the Library’s normal opening hours.

If you return the books during the daily opening hours, they will be debited from your account the same day. However, if you return books after 9pm, they will be debited the next opening day.

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