
Vav support » Information for Institutes of the CAS » Inclusion of the journal in the Digital Library of the CAS

Inclusion of the journal in the Digital Library of the CAS

The Digital Library includes mainly journals published by institutes of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and affiliated scientific societies or journals that send data to the CEJSH database via the Library of the CAS.

In order to make a journal available in the digital library, the editorial office/institution must have a data access agreement with KNAV, in which it specifies in which mode the journal is to be available (e.g. open access or embargo on the last few volumes).
The cooperation is set up in such a way that after the publication of a new issue, the editorial office provides the KNAV with an electronic version of the issue (ideally in PDF/A format).
Metadata processing is created in KNAV to the level of individual articles, which are then made available in the digital library.
The processing may include, as agreed, sending the data to the CEJSH database or arranging for the registration of DOIs for individual articles.

The digital library can also be used as an archive of back issues of the journal.
For editors of academic journals, we offer the possibility of digitizing back issues of journals free of charge.

If you are interested in adding your journal to the digital library, please contact us by e-mail dlib@lib.cas.cz or by phone.
221 403 253 / 221 403 264.

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