
Vav support » Open Science

Open Science

We provide support to the Czech Academy of Sciences in the field of Open Science.

We provide support to the Czech Academy of Sciences in the field of Open Science, focusing on Open Access and Open Access to Research Data (Open/FAIR data).

Our team consists of experts in general Open Science matters, as well as practitioners and trained specialists in the ASEP institutional repository and other support tools, such as the FAIR Wizard for creating a Data Management Plan (DMP)

For more detailed information, visit our website.

FAIR Wizard

We offer access to the Academy of Sciences’ online service, the FAIR Wizard, designed for users across the entire Academy of Sciences. The FAIR Wizard is a tool that facilitates the creation of a Data Management Plan (DMP). This tool is a standalone implementation of the open-source software Data Stewardship Wizard, managed by Codevence Solutions, s.r.o.

A DMP is created within the FAIR Wizard by guiding the user through a series of questions about their research data, leading them through the entire process. At the end, a completed data management plan is generated for them. The tool’s design and functionality are inspired by the installation wizards commonly known from older versions of Windows.

For more information about this tool, click here.


We offer consultations on:

  • Fulfillment of obligations and requirements set by individual funding providers in the context of Open Science.
  • Setting internal data and publication policies; creation and management of DMP.
  • Including consultations on the creation of a DMP using FAIR Wizard tool, and the selection of the most suitable repository for storing research data.
  • Including the use of the ASEP institutional repository.


Department of Open Science: openscience[at]knav.cz

AV ČR FAIR Wizard – support: dmp[at]knav.cz

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Open Science?

Open Science is a general term that includes a variety of concepts and practices to ensure the transparency of the scientific process, the validity of conclusions, and the credibility of science itself. These practices are applicable throughout the lifecycle of the research process, supporting the sharing of results, knowledge and the accumulation of scientific knowledge.

The Library of the Academy of Sciences focuses on support in the areas of open access to results (OPEN ACCESS) and open access to research data (OPEN/FAIR data).

How to ensure proper Data Management?

Data Management encompasses all activities related to the management of research data throughout its lifecycle. Well-implemented management should lead to the creation of FAIR data, facilitating the reproducibility of the research and the verifiability of the results obtained. Good quality, transparent and efficient Data Management indirectly enhances the integrity of science, increases citation rates and generally promotes the further development of knowledge. The output of this process is usually a so-called Data Management Plan (DMP).

What is Fair Wizard?

FAIR Wizard is an online service for simple creation of a DMP (Data Management Plan) – it is a standalone instance of the open source software Data Stewardship Wizard operated by Codevence Solutions, s.r.o. In addition, this tool automatically assesses the level of fulfillment of FAIR principles and other metrics with accompanying explanatory comments in the course of completing the DMP in the form of a questionnaire.

How to ensure Open Access?

Conditions of Open Access publishing are specific to individual journals and publishing models – Green Open Access, Gold Open Access and Diamond Open Access. These differ according to how the openness of the texts is achieved and how the publishing process is funded.

How to create a DMP?

A DMP, or Data Management Plan, is supposed to be a living document that is constantly updated throughout the project and is a support tool for planning and implementing a research project. The form of the document is not formally specified, but the DMP should contain a set of topics and answers that vary according to the funder, the established practice of the different disciplines, the nature of the specific research project and, last but not least, the type of data involved.

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