The Library of the Czech Academy of Sciences is a specialised library focusing on scientific research and building up a holding of basic scientific resources and specialised printed and electronic resources in all branches of science. The LCAS provides public library and information services to the staff of the Czech Academy of Sciences, private individuals and public libraries based in the Czech Republic.
For the purposes of protecting the library holdings entrusted to the administration of the LCAS, a loan is defined in accordance with generally mandatory regulations as a contractual loan relationship between the LCAS and a user or visitor. These Library Regulations define the rights and obligations of users and visitors, including provisions on contractual penalties for the violation of these obligations, definition of the system of reminders including associated costs and the method for the payment of damages (in accordance with the provisions on the loan of movables according to Act 89/2012 Sb., The Civil Code, as amended, the pertinent provisions of procedural and associated regulations, and these Library Regulations).
The Library of the Czech Academy of Sciences provides library services in accordance with its Founding Charter, Act 341/2005 Sb. on Public Research Institutes, Act 283/1992 Sb. on the Czech Academy of Sciences, and Act 257/2001 Sb. on Libraries and the Conditions of Operation of Public Library and Information Services (The Library Law). These Library Regulations are issued by the LCAS in accordance with these laws and in connection with other laws and regulations (in particular the Civil Code, the Criminal Code and the Copyright Law).
CAS – The Czech Academy of Sciences EIR – electronic information resources LCAS – The Library of the Czech Academy of Sciences LRSD – Loan Reference Services Department EIR – electronic information resources – publicly funded non-university research institution
- The library holdings are all documents made available to users and visitors by the LCAS.
- A document is any individually registered library item in the library holdings.
- The historical book collection is that part of the library holdings comprised of all documents published up to the year 1860 and a selection of newer documents; it is comprised of first editions, old printed works and rare modern titles, manuscripts and archive materials.
- The freely accessible library holdings are comprised of the part of the library holdings located in the protected zone and designed for on-site and off-site loans; users and visitors may borrow documents from these holdings independently of the staff of the LCAS.
- Depositories are closed storerooms in which parts of the library holdings are stored.
- Electronic information resources are digital information resources available over computer networks.
- The premises of the LCAS are any library premises accessible to users and visitors, including the protected zone, rest area, cloakroom, lobby and toilets.
- The protected zone is the area demarcated by the entry turnstile and exit turnstile with a security gate that is accessible exclusively to users with a valid registration and a library card and to visitors with a valid one-day registration and a visitor card.
- A study position is one chair at a table or computer station in the self-service computer study, or one individual study.
- An individual study is a lockable space with one study position in the protected zone which may be leased by users with a valid library card.
- The rest area is an area with a kitchenette and vending machines with refreshments where users can talk silently, including telephone calls, as well as eat and drink soft beverages without restrictions.
- A user is anyone holding valid registration of membership (one of the various types of membership) at the given moment; users have the right to use the library holdings, technical equipment, data and other LCAS services provided to the public, this either in person or through another person, over the Internet, telephone, etc. under the conditions stipulated in these Library Regulations.
- A visitor is anyone with a valid one-day registration and a visitor card. Visitors can visit the protected zone repeatedly during the LCAS opening hours, making use of an open access collection, order documents from the library depositories, use the technical library equipment and public services of the reading room, and make reservations of individual study rooms. Until midnight on the day of their registration visitors can also use remote access to EIR. If registered with their own chip card, a visitor may also use a self-service locker in the cloakroom (entrance from the foyer).
- A leaser of an individual study is a user who has, before the beginning of the agreed period of lease of an individual study at the latest, settled all his or her obligations in respect of the LCAS, this including the payment of the lease fee, and who has formally taken over an individual study from LCAS staff.
- A researcher is a user with a registered research card; researchers have the right to use the historical book collection under the conditions stipulated in these Library Regulations.
- An acceptable means of personal identification is a valid identity pass or other valid means of identification by means of which users and visitors can prove their identity and be accepted by the LCAS for the provision of LCAS services.
- Registration for remote access is registration that entitles users to use EIR made available on the LCAS WebPages.
- Remote registration is user registration without the need to visit the LCAS in person. A user registered in this way is entitled to remote access to EIR only.
- Remote access to EIR is access allowing users to use digital information resources on their own devices without needing to be present at the LCAS in person.
- A one-day registration with a visitor card is meant for people who need to make use of the LCAS book collection and/or the study room for one day only. During registration, the applicant receives LCAS login credentials valid for one day. As a visitor card, one can register their own chip card or have an LCAS card issued. The visitor card can be used for repeated visits to the protected zone during the day. A visitor’s chip card can also be used for self-service lockers in the cloakroom.
- A loan request is an order for a document from a depository in the name of a user or visitor.
- A loan reservation is an order for a document that has, at the given moment, already been ordered, borrowed or reserved by another user or visitor.
- An off-site loan is the loan of a document from the depositories or the freely accessible library holdings; the LCAS allows authorised users to take these loans out of the protected zone; authorised users may perform the off-site loan of a document on either a self-service or assisted basis.
- A self-service loan means the crediting of requested documents to a user account performed by a user using the self-service loan device without the assistance of the staff of the LCAS.
- An assisted loan means the crediting of requested documents to a user account performed by the staff of the LCAS.
- The collection period is the period of time for which documents ordered for off-site loan from depositories or documents reserved for loan remain available for collection by a user.
- An on-site loan is the loan of a document that may be used by users and visitors within the protected zone only; any item from the available library holdings may be loaned on site depending on its physical condition.
- The storage period is the period of time for which documents ordered from depositories for on-site loans remain available for loan to users and visitors.
- A loan from the historical book collection is the loan of selected documents that researchers may use only in the research room under the supervision of a member of LCAS staff.
- The loan period is the period of time for which a user or visitor may use a loaned document. The loan period is stipulated by the LCAS at the time at which a loan is made. Should the LCAS not stipulate a loan period, the periods stipulated by the Library Regulations will apply.
- A loan ticket is a printed document that contains information on a loaned document (such as the date of loan) and information on the user or visitor who will confirm receipt of the loan item with his or her signature.
- The self-service loan device is located in the protected zone enabling users to perform the self-service off-site loan of documents they have requested from a depository or documents they have selected from the freely accessible library holdings.
- The book return box is a self-service device enabling users to return loaned documents outside LCAS opening hours. The book return box located behind the entry door to the LCAS is accessible from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday to Friday.
- A user account records all operations in the loan process and any charges for late return and charges for other types of service.
- A credit account is a user account in which a financial sum serving for the payment of charges for self-service printing and self-service copying is deposited.
- Research is either the process of searching for information on a specific topic on the basis of a specific request or a list of information found resulting from this process.
- The LCAS W-Fi is a wireless Internet connection in the protected zone that can be used by users and visitors on their own devices.
- The postal data message is used for sending login credentials and payment details for the registration fee during membership registration for remote access via a data mailbox. Its sending is fully equivalent to sending a registered letter. The message is considered delivered at the moment the authorized person logs into the data mailbox.
1.1 General principles
Users and visitors are obliged to observe the Library Regulations, to follow the instructions of members of LCAS staff and security staff, and to heed written orders and instructions placed in visible places on LCAS premises. A user or visitor may occupy only one study position. Users and visitors are obliged to behave in a considerate manner towards others, first and foremost to observe the principles of peace and quiet and to refrain from any deliberate or negligent acts that might result in damage to LCAS property or the property or health of other persons. The user or visitor is responsible for any damage caused to LCAS property to the extent stipulated in the Library Regulations and the pertinent provisions of the Civil Code.
Users and visitors will lose the right to use LCAS services if they violate the Library Regulations and, in particular:
- if they do not use LCAS premises in accordance with their intended purpose (e.g. sleeping, smoking),
- if their behaviour disturbs, interferes with or otherwise inconveniences others (e.g. disorderly conduct, verbal assaults, noise),
- if they fail to respect basic rules of hygiene (extremely dirty clothing, bad smells),
- if they are under the influence of alcohol or narcotics,
- if they pose a threat to the health or safety of other persons present on LCAS premises, in particular other users and visitors and members of LCAS staff,
- if they use more than one study position for their own purposes.
1.2 Violation of provisions of the Library Regulations
Any users or visitors violating the Library Regulations during their visit to LCAS premises will be notified of this fact by the staff of the LCAS and requested to refrain from the given violation immediately. Should a user or visitor fail to respect such a notification, he or she may be expelled from LCAS premises for the remainder of the day.
In the case of repeated violation of the Library Regulations, the staff of the LCAS have the right to deny the visitor in question the provision of LCAS services for a period of six months and to block the user’s user account and discontinue the provision of LCAS services for a period of six months. Should the user or visitor in question again violate the Library Regulations following the expiry of this six-month period in which LCAS services are discontinued, his or her right to use LCAS services may be revoked permanently. In extraordinary cases, the right of a user or visitor to use LCAS services may be revoked permanently without the prior six-month withdrawal of service provision. The Director of the LCAS will rule on the permanent revoking of the right to use LCAS services.
The right to use LCAS services being revoked on a temporary or permanent basis does not relieve the user or visitor in question of the responsibility and obligation of paying for any damage caused and paying other debts in respect of the LCAS in accordance with these Library Regulations and valid legal regulations. Should a user or visitor be suspected of having committed a criminal act on LCAS premises, he or she is obliged to await the arrival of the Police of the Czech Republic and to follow the instructions of LCAS staff and security staff during this time.
1.3 Self-service lockers
During the daily opening hours of the LCAS, the user or visitor with their own registered chip card can store his or her outer clothing and luggage in one of the self-service lockers in the cloakroom (entrance from the foyer), which is monitored by a camera system with recording to protect the property and health of the persons present. The user or visitor places his or her belongings in a locker with a green LED light, which he or she locks by attaching the library or visitor card to the locker reader. After locking, which is indicated by the diode changing to red, the door must be properly closed and the reader pulled to verify that it cannot be opened.
The user or visitor should collect his or her belongings from the locker no later than 5 minutes after the end of the daily opening hours of the LCAS. The locker is unlocked by reattaching the library or visitor card to the reader. If the user or visitor cannot find his or her library or visitor card, he or she shall ask the LCAS staff to open the locker, who shall first verify the legitimacy of his or her request.
The LCAS is responsible for the stored items during the daily opening hours in accordance with the Civil Code, except for the following cases: valuable items (e.g. notebooks, cameras, tablets, jewellery, personal papers, confidential documents, payment cards, cash, etc.), keys of any kind, including car keys, or dangerous items or materials, e.g. explosives, firearms, dangerous chemicals, narcotics or addictive substances, etc.
1.4 Items not collected from self-service lockers
A locker that remains locked after the end of the daily opening hours of the LCAS will be opened by LCAS staff and perishable items will be disposed of on site without replacement. Other contents removed from the locker will be stored at LCAS for retrieval by the user or visitor during the following 15 days during opening hours.
1.5 Storage of items not collected from self-service lockers
When retrieving contents removed from a self-service locker, the user or visitor must:
- present a library card or personal identification card,
- describe the items to be retrieved,
- sign the handover report,
- pay the storage fee (see Price List, section 5.9).
1.6 Control of belongings and luggage in the protected zone
A user or visitor who takes his or her outer clothing and luggage into the protected zone will be asked to present the contents of these items for inspection in the event of an act that has the characteristics of a crime or offence (activation of the security gate at the exit turnstile, notification by a third party, etc.). If he or she refuses, the Police will be called. The user or visitor in question is obliged to await the arrival of the police and to follow the instructions of LCAS staff and security staff during this time.
1.7 Calm and consumption
Users and visitors must not restrict or disturb others in the protected zone by talking or by the sound of any electronic device brought in. Only non-alcoholic beverages in resealable bottles or cups with lids on may be consumed.
A rest room is reserved for the consumption of non-closable beverages, all food and silent conversations, including telephone conversations.
1.8 Turnstiles, security gate
Users and visitors are obliged to pass through the entry and exit turnstiles and security gate every time they enter or leave the protected zone. In the interest of maintaining safety and protection of property of those present and the LCAS, study room staff and/or security personnel are authorised to request that a user or visitor prove their identity if a user or a visitor has engaged in conduct that violates the library rules or appears criminal. A user is required to identify themselves with a library card. In the case of a bank card registration or doubts concerning their identity a user is also required to present an ID that has their name and face. A visitor must present a visitor card and an ID that has their name and face.
1.9 LCAS equipment
When using LCAS equipment, users and visitors are obliged to follow any instructions displayed and the instructions of LCAS staff. They are also obliged not to interfere with such equipment or change its settings or installation.
1.10 Storage of the study materials of users at the LCAS
Users may keep their study materials at their own risk for the period of time absolutely essential, i.e. even outside LCAS opening hours, in the lockers located in the self-service Computer Study. The staff of the LRSD will make a locker available to the user on request following the presentation of a library card. Only the user’s own study materials and off-site loans from the LCAS holdings may be stored in these lockers; the storage of documents from the freely accessible library holdings intended for on-site loans, foodstuffs, valuables, money, etc. is prohibited here. The LCAS will not be held responsible for any materials and items stored in these lockers.
1.11 Inspection of documents taken out of the protected zone
Users and visitors are obliged to present all the documents they are taking with them for inspection before leaving the protected zone when requested to do so by LCAS staff or security staff. Taking documents out of the protected zone without permission or attempting to do so is considered an extremely serious violation of the Library Regulations. The LCAS treats such action as theft or attempted theft with all the consequences arising from this.
1.12 Camera system
Premises in the protected zone are monitored by a camera system, which monitors and records the presence and behaviour of persons, for the purpose of protecting the health and property of users, visitors and employees of the LCAS present in the protected zone and protecting public property, in particular the library holdings, against theft. The monitored area is clearly indicated before the entry by an information sign with a camera logo. Operation of the camera system is essential to the justified interests of the LCAS given above as administrator, for which reason it is performed without the agreement of data subjects. Camera system recordings are retained for a period of 3 LCAS opening days or for the period essential to the fulfilment of the purpose for which they are acquired and stored. The operator of the camera system is the LCAS. Camera system recordings are stored in a lockable rack in the LCAS protected zone in the internal LCAS network. They are not public and are accessible exclusively to the authorised staff of the administrator. In accordance with their purpose, recordings of possible unlawful acts may be provided to bodies active in criminal proceedings and stored for the period essential to the performance of the purpose for which they were made.
1.13 Closure of the LCAS to the public
Any closure of the LCAS for operational, technical or other reasons will not give users the right to the return of their registration fee or any proportional part of it.
1.14 Photography and filming at the LCAS
Photography and filming of or on LCAS premises or of persons present on LCAS premises is not permitted. The Director of the LCAS or a member of staff accredited by the Director of the LCAS may make an exception to this rule in justified cases on the basis of a written or verbal request.
1.15 Complaints
Users and visitors may communicate any complaints associated with the provision of LCAS services and suggestions for their improvement at any time to members of LCAS staff on duty, send them by e-mail to or by post to the address of the LCAS, or deliver them to the mailroom.
Complaints may be made in verbal or written form. If the staff of the LCAS is unable to settle a verbal complaint at once, they will request that the user or visitor submits his or her complaint in writing. Should the user or visitor not do so, the LCAS is not obliged to deal with the given complaint which will be considered not to have been submitted. Complaints submitted in writing will be handled within one month of their delivery to the LCAS under the condition that it is clear from the complaint received who has submitted it, where a reply is to be sent, the specific service about which the user or visitor is complaining and the extent of the given complaint.
2.1 Users
2.1.1 General conditions
A user is anyone holding valid registration at the given time. The following people may become users after fulfilling the conditions of registration and paying the corresponding fees:
- Czech citizens aged 15 or more,
- foreign nationals aged 15 or more.
2.1.2 Basic rights and obligations
Users have the right to obtain information and use the services of the LCAS specifically stipulated for their type of registration. A user’s right to use these services is non-transferable. Users are, for the duration of their registration, responsible for damage to property and other damage incurred by the LCAS as a result of any violation on their part of the Library Regulations and the legal obligations imposed by legal regulations. A user’s right to the provision of LCAS services of any kind will expire following the expiry of the user’s valid registration. The LCAS will, however, retain the right to the return of loan items and the satisfaction of debts incurred by the former user in respect of the LCAS.
2.1.3 Types of registration
The LCAS provides four types of registration:
2.1.4 Library cards
When a user is registered for registration with a library card, a library card, i.e. chip card compatible with the Mifare standard containing a photograph and the forename and surname of the user, or a valid Mifare-compatible bank card with a chip and contactless technology with the user’s name and surname, is also registered in the library system. Registration is conditional to the functionality of the chip; the given card will cease to be valid as a library card if its functionality is lost.
The following may be registered as a library card:
- a valid bank card of the user with a chip and contactless technology,
- user’s own chip card with his/her photo and name (e.g.: ISIC, Lítačka, INkarta České dráhy, etc.);
- LCAS chip card issued at the time of user registration.
Library cards are non-transferrable and may be used exclusively by their lawful holders. Each user may have just one library card registered in the library system at any time.
Initial registration of a library card in the library system and any further registration of library card when renewing registration through Bank iD is free of charge; charges are made for the issuing of a LCAS library card, its duplicate and any further registration of the user’s own bank or chip card (see
Price List, section 5.1).
2.1.5 The loss, theft or destruction of a library card
The user is obliged to report the loss, theft or destruction of his or her library card to the LRSD immediately, either in person, by telephone or by e-mail. The LCAS will block the user’s user account, including the library card registered in the library system, on the basis of this notification of loss. The user is responsible for any misuse of his or her library card and for documents borrowed against this library card until their return or the payment of damages to the LCAS until the moment at which his or her library card is blocked. If a user’s own chip or bank card is registered as a library card in the library system, only the user’s user account, library card and services provided by the LCAS will be blocked; the given blocking does not relate to the services of the third party and does not fulfill the obligations of the user in respect of the owner/issuer of the chip card.
2.1.6 Duplicate library cards
Conditions relating to any second and subsequent registration user’s own chip or bank card and the issuing of a duplicate:
- the presentation of an acceptable valid personal identity card,
- payment of a relevant fee (see Price List, section 5.1).
If the applicant has his own bank or chip card registered as a duplicate, it must be presented during registration. If the applicant has a LCAS library card issued as a duplicate, it is necessary to provide a photo of this card (the photo is taken during registration).
The period of validity of registration remains unchanged. Should the user present confirmation on the theft of his or her library card issued by the Police of the Czech Republic, he or she will not need to pay the given fee.
The LCAS has the right to refuse an application from a user making a repeated application for the issuing of a duplicate or a repeated request for the further registration of a third-party chip card in the library system.
2.1.7 Change of membership type
A user may change his or her registration type at any time under the condition that he or she fulfils the conditions of registration for the new type of registration selected. No registration fee is charged on change to the type of registration and the validity of registration remains unchanged.
2.1.8 Entry to the protected zone
The user uses a chip card registered as a library card to enter and exit the protected zone. If they do not have their library card with them and still want to visit the protected zone, they can have another RFID chip card registered as a library card. Alternatively a user who has forgotten their library card may purchase registration Day and have a visitor card with their username issued for the day. A registration Day enables users who cannot show a library card to be provided with all services to which their type of registration entitles them.
2.1.9 Users aged 70 and above
The LCAS provides users who have reached the age of 70 with personal registering a concessionary registration fee.
2.2 Employees of the CAS
The LCAS offers employees of the CAS advantageous conditions for all types of registration:
- no registration fee need be paid,
- the period of valid registration is 3 years (1,095 days).
For an applicant to be eligible for these advantages, he or she must prove his or her employment with a specific unit of the CAS during registration. The LCAS will verify this employment in the contact section of the webpages of the unit stated by the applicant; should these details not be available on the web of the given institution, the applicant will present other documentation of his or her employment (e.g. employee pass or confirmation of employment with the CAS) during registration. The LCAS will not provide the applicant with advantageous conditions if he or she does not prove during registration that he or she is an employee of the CAS.
The registration of employees of the CAS proceeds further in accordance with the provisions relating to individual types of registration (see
point 2.1.3). Registration E-resources by corresponding without a library card is completed by the sending of a letter with the log-on details of the user. Registration E-resource without a library card online and registration Complete via Bank iD are completed when the password is successfully set.
When the registration of employees of the CAS is renewed, the LCAS will, in all cases, again require proof of employment with the CAS. Eligibility for the provision of advantageous conditions ceases on the termination of this relationship with the CAS; the user is obliged to notify the LCAS of this fact without delay.
2.3 Registration Complete
2.3.1 Registration in person Conditions of registration
Registration conditions for applicants for registration Complete:
- the presentation of an acceptable valid personal identity card,
- completion of the registration form,
- signing of a declaration: on acquaintance with the Library Regulations and the undertaking to observe them and become acquainted with each new version of them published on the webpages of the LCAS; on checking the accuracy and completeness of the personal data given on the registration form and user account form; on acquaintance with the method of processing of personal data by the LCAS to the extent of and in accordance with the purpose given in the Library Regulations,
- payment of the registration fee (see Price List, section 5.1),
- registration of a library card.
If the applicant has a LCAS library card issued, it is also necessary to pay the fee for its issuance (see
Price List, section 5.1) and to provide a photo for this card (photos are taken during registration).
Fulfilment of these conditions is necessary to conclude the contract. Should the applicant for registration Complete not fulfil the registration conditions given in the Library Regulations, the LCAS will not register him or her. Acceptable means of identification
Personal identification that can be presented by the applicant for registration Complete:
- a Czech citizen aged 15 or more can present a valid identity card;
- a foreign national aged 15 or more can present a valid residence permit issued by the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic stating their place of residence within the Czech Republic. Length of valid registration
Applicants for registration Complete will select the length of valid registration during registration:
- one year (365 days),
- six months (183 days). User entitlement
Registration Complete entitles the user to:
- off-site loans,
- on-site loans,
- domestic and international interlibrary services,
- remote access to EIR,
- LCAS Wi-Fi,
- computer equipment and the Internet in the self-service computer study for a period of 120 minutes a day,
- supplementary services (scanner, copier),
- the reservation system and the lease of individual studies. Renewal of registration
If the given user with registration Complete observes the Library Regulations, a user’s registration may be renewed either in person or through Bank iD (see
point this no more than one month before and no more than one year after the expiry of his or her registration. Registration renewal will no longer be possible if the user applies his or her right to the erasure of his or her personal data.
Conditions of renewal of the validity of registration:
- the presentation of an acceptable valid personal identity card,
- payment of the registration fee (see Price List, section 5.1),
- signing of a declaration: on acquaintance with the Library Regulations and the undertaking to observe them and become acquainted with each new version of them published on the webpages of the LCAS; on checking the accuracy and completeness of the personal data given on the registration form and user account form; on acquaintance with the method of processing of personal data by the LCAS to the extent of and in accordance with the purpose given in the Library Regulations.
2.3.2 Registration via Bank iD Conditions of registration
Registration conditions for applicants for registration Complete:
- providing of data: first and last name, date of birth and address in the Czech Republic to KNAV via Bank iD,
- updating of personal data,
- signing of a declaration: on acquaintance with the Library Regulations and the undertaking to observe them and become acquainted with each new version of them published on the webpages of the LCAS; on checking the accuracy and completeness of the personal data given on the registration form and user account form; on acquaintance with the method of processing of personal data by the LCAS to the extent of and in accordance with the purpose given in the Library Regulations,
- Sending a request,
- payment of the registration fee (see Price List, section 5.1).
Fulfilment of these conditions is necessary to conclude the contract. Should the applicant for registration Complete not fulfil the registration conditions given in the Library Regulations, the LCAS will not register him or her. Length of valid registration
The period of validity of the registration is 1 year (365 days) from the successful submission of the application; the LCAS services can be used as soon as the user pays the registration fee (payable within 14 days). User entitlement
Registration Complete entitles the user to:
- remote access to EIR,
- entering a loan request,
and after registration of the library card for further use:
- off-site loans,
- on-site loans,
- domestic and international interlibrary services,
- LCAS Wi-Fi,
- computer equipment and the Internet in the self-service computer study for a period of 120 minutes a day,
- supplementary services (scanner, copier),
- the reservation system and the lease of individual studies. Registration of the library card
If the applicant decides to use his/her own smartcard as a library card, he/she can register it:
- directly in the registration form by filling in the MIFARE RFID tag value of his own smart card, or
- from the KNAV staff during first visit to the reading room.
If the applicant does not have such a card or does not want to use it, he/she will have a LCAS library card issued by the LCAS staff on his/her first visit to the reading room. Renewal of registration
If the given user with registration Complete observes the Library Regulations, a user’s registration may be renewed either via Bank iD or in person (see
point this no more than one month before and no more than one year after the expiry of his or her registration. Registration renewal will no longer be possible if the user applies his or her right to the erasure of his or her personal data. To renew registration via Bank iD, the user must meet the same conditions as during registration (see
2.4 Registration Study+
2.4.1 Conditions of registration
Registration conditions for applicants for registration Study+:
- the presentation of an acceptable valid personal identity card,
- completion of the registration form,
- signing of a declaration: on acquaintance with the Library Regulations and the undertaking to observe them and become acquainted with each new version of them published on the webpages of the LCAS; on checking the accuracy and completeness of the personal data given on the registration form and user account form; on acquaintance with the method of processing of personal data by the LCAS to the extent of and in accordance with the purpose given in the Library Regulations,
- payment of the registration fee and the fee for the issuing of a library card (see Price List, section 5.1),
- registration of a library card.
If the applicant has a LCAS library card issued, it is also necessary to pay the fee for its issuance (see
Price List, section 5.1) and to provide a photo for this card (photos are taken during registration).
Fulfilment of these conditions is necessary to conclude the contract. Should the applicant for registration Study+ not fulfil the registration conditions given in the Library Regulations, the LCAS will not register him or her.
2.4.2 Acceptable means of identification
Personal identification that can be presented by the applicant for registration Study+:
- a Czech citizen aged 15 or more can present a valid identity card, a driving licence or a passport;
- a foreign national aged 15 or more can present a valid passport or driving licence (EU citizens may also present a valid identity card issued in their home country).
2.4.3 Length of valid registration
Applicants for registration Study+ will select the length of valid registration during registration:
- one year (365 days),
- six months (183 days).
2.4.4 User entitlement
Registration Study+ entitles the user to:
- on-site loans,
- domestic and international interlibrary services,
- remote access to EIR,
- LCAS Wi-Fi,
- computer equipment and the Internet in the self-service computer study for a period of 120 minutes a day,
- supplementary services (scanner, copier),
- the reservation system and the lease of individual studies.
2.4.5 Renewal of registration
A user’s registration may be renewed if the given user with registration Study+ observes the Library Regulations, this no more than one month before and no more than one year after the expiry of his or her registration. If a user with a registration Studovna+ renews their registration through Bank iD, it will be changed to a registration Complete. Renewal of registration will no longer be possible if the user applies his or her right to the erasure of his or her personal data.
Conditions of renewal of the validity of registration:
- the presentation of an acceptable valid personal identity card,
- payment of the registration fee (see Price List, section 5.1),
- signing of a declaration: on acquaintance with the Library Regulations and the undertaking to observe them and become acquainted with each new version of them published on the webpages of the LCAS; on checking the accuracy and completeness of the personal data given on the registration form and user account form; on acquaintance with the method of processing of personal data by the LCAS to the extent of and in accordance with the purpose given in the Library Regulations.
2.5 Registration E-resources
The applicant may choose one of three methods of registration, the first two of which do not require his/her physical presence at the LCAS:
- online registration;
- registration by correspondence;
- in-person registration.
2.5.1 Online registration over the Internet Conditions of registration
Conditions of online registration for applicants for registration E-resources:
- the making of a digital copy of both sides of his or her acceptable valid personal identity card,
- declaring, by marking the pertinent fields of the web form, that the applicant: agrees to the provision of a digital copy of his or her valid identity card or valid residence permit issued by the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic stating his or her place of residence within the Czech Republic to the LCAS; acquaintance with the Library Regulations and undertaking to observe them and become acquainted with each new version of them published on the webpages of the LCAS; has checked the accuracy and completeness of the personal data given on the web registration form; has been acquainted with the method of processing of his or her personal data by the LCAS to the extent of and in accordance with the purpose given in the Library Regulations,
- the sending of the completed web registration form along with an attached digital copy of both sides of his or her valid identity card or valid residence permit issued by the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic stating his or her place of residence within the Czech Republic to the LCAS,
- payment of the registration fee (see Price List, section 5.1); this fee must be paid from a bank account kept in the name of the applicant.
The provision of advantageous conditions to an employee of the CAS is conditional to the applicant stating his or her work e-mail address (with the domain of a unit of the CAS) on the web form, or attaching a digital copy of his or her employee pass or confirmation of employment with the CAS. The LCAS will not provide the applicant with advantageous conditions if he or she does not prove that he or she is an employee of the CAS in one of the ways given above.
Fulfilment of these conditions is necessary to conclude the contract. Should the applicant for registration E-resources not fulfil the registration conditions given in the Library Regulations, the LCAS will not register him or her.
The LCAS will perform the registration of an applicant for registration E-resources within 2 working days of the receipt of the given application for online registration. Part of the registration process is authentication of the applicant by e-mail and SMS, on the basis of which the user will be sent his or her log-on details and details for the payment of the registration fee (see
Price List, section 5.1).
The user is obliged to pay the registration fee by the due date of payment which is stipulated as 14 days of the day on which he or she is sent his or her log-on details. Should the applicant fail to do so, his or her log-on details will be deactivated for a period of 12 calendar months with no chance of reactivation. The user will be allowed remote access to EIR databases following the crediting of payment of the registration fee into the LCAS bank account, which also completes registration of the user. Acceptable means of identification
Personal identification that can be attached to the web registration form as a double-sided digital copy by the applicant for registration E-resources during online registration over the Internet:
- a Czech citizen aged 15 or more has to send a double-sided digital copy of a valid identity card,
- a foreign national aged 15 or more has to send a double-sided digital copy of a valid residence permit issued by the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic stating his or her place of residence within the Czech Republic. Length of valid registration
The length of valid registration E-resources is 1 year (365 days); registration becomes valid on the day of acceptance of an application for registration E-resources by the LCAS. User entitlement
registration E-resources entitles the user only to remote access to EIR. More-detailed information on EIR can be found in
section 4.2 of these Library Regulations. Renewal of registration
A user’s registration may be renewed if the given user with registration E-resources observes the Library Regulations, this no more than one month before and no more than one year after the expiry of his or her registration. Renewal of registration will no longer be possible if the user applies his or her right to the erasure of his or her personal data. The user must fulfil the same conditions as on online registration for the online renewal of registration (see
Users with registration E-resources may also extend their registration in person (see
point or by correspondence (see
point If a user with a registration E-resources renews their registration through Bank iD, it will be changed to a registration Complete.
2.5.2 Correspondence registration using Czech Post Conditions of registration
Conditions of correspondence registration for applicants for registration E-resources:
- printing out and completing the registration form,
- signing of a declaration: on acquaintance with the Library Regulations and the undertaking to observe them and become acquainted with each new version of them published on the webpages of the LCAS; on checking the accuracy and completeness of the personal data given on the registration form; on acquaintance with the method of processing of personal data by the LCAS to the extent of and in accordance with the purpose given in the Library Regulations,
- authentication of the signature of the applicant on the registration form against an acceptable means of identity at any of the public administration’s contact points (e.g. a branch of the post office with Czech POINT services),
- sending the completed registration form containing the verification clause on authentication by post to the address of the LCAS,
- payment of the registration fee (see Price List, section 5.1); this fee must be paid into the LCAS bank account.
The provision of advantageous conditions to an employee of the CAS is conditional to the applicant stating the name of a unit of the CAS on the web form, so that his or her employment with the CAS can be verified in the contact section of the webpages of the given unit. Should these details not be available on the web of the given unit, the applicant will attach a copy of his or her employee pass or a completed
clause to his or her registration form. The LCAS will not provide the applicant with advantageous conditions if he or she does not prove that he or she is an employee of the CAS in one of the ways given above.
Fulfilment of these conditions is necessary to conclude the contract. Should the applicant for registration E-resources not fulfil the registration conditions given in the Library Regulations, the LCAS will not register him or her.
The LCAS will perform the registration of an applicant for registration E-resources within 2 working days of the receipt of the given application for correspondence registration. Within this period, the applicant will be sent a letter with log-on details for access to EIR and an invoice containing the necessary details for payment of the registration fee (see
Price List, section 5.1). This letter will be sent to the applicant by registered mail to the address given on the verification clause for authentication.
The user is obliged to pay the registration fee by the due date of payment which is stipulated as 14 days of the date of issue of the invoice. Should the applicant fail to do so, his or her log-on details will be deactivated for a period of 12 calendar months with no chance of reactivation. Registration of the user will be completed by the crediting of payment of the registration fee to the LCAS bank account. Acceptable means of identification
Personal identification against which the signature of the applicant on the registration form can be authenticated when registering by correspondence by Czech Post:
- a Czech citizen aged 15 or more can authenticate his or her signature only against a valid identity card;
- a foreign national aged 15 or more can authenticate his or her signature only against a valid residence permit issued by the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic stating his or her place of residence within the Czech Republic. Length of valid registration
The length of valid registration E-resources is 1 year (365 days); registration becomes valid on the day of sending of a letter to the address of the applicant containing log-on details for access to EIR and an invoice with details for the payment of the registration fee. User entitlement
registration E-resources entitles the user only to remote access to EIR. More-detailed information on EIR can be found in
section 4.2 of these Library Regulations. Renewal of registration
A user’s registration may be renewed if the given user with registration E-resources observes the Library Regulations, this no more than one month before and no more than one year after the expiry of his or her registration. Renewal of registration will no longer be possible if the user applies his or her right to the erasure of his or her personal data.
Conditions of renewal of the validity of registration:
- submission of an application for renewed registration by e-mail or telephone,
- payment of the registration fee (see Price List, section 5.1) by the date of due payment.
Payment details are sent to the user by registered mail to the address given during registration.
If the user has failed to report a change to the address given on the registration form occurring during the course of his or her registration, he or she must fulfil the conditions given in
point when extending his or her registration.
Users with registration E-resources may also extend their registration in person (see
point or in online form (see
point If a user with a registration E-resources renews their registration through Bank iD, it will be changed to a registration Complete.
2.5.3 Registration in person Conditions of registration
Conditions of registration in person for applicants for registration E-resources:
- the presentation of an acceptable valid personal identity card,
- completion of the registration form,
- signing of a declaration: on acquaintance with the Library Regulations and the undertaking to observe them and become acquainted with each new version of them published on the webpages of the LCAS; on checking the accuracy and completeness of the personal data given on the registration form and user account form; on acquaintance with the method of processing of personal data by the LCAS to the extent of and in accordance with the purpose given in the Library Regulations,
- payment of the registration fee (see Price List, section 5.1).
Fulfilment of these conditions is necessary to conclude the contract. Should the applicant for registration E-resources not fulfil the registration conditions given in the Library Regulations, the LCAS will not register him or her. Acceptable means of identification
Personal identification that can be presented by the applicant for registration E-resources when registering in person:
- a Czech citizen aged 15 or more can present a valid identity card, a driving licence or a passport;
- a foreign national aged 15 or more can present a valid passport or driving licence (EU citizens may also present a valid identity card issued in their home country). Length of valid registration
The length of valid registration E-resources is 1 year (365 days). User entitlement
registration E-resources entitles the user only to remote access to EIR. More-detailed information on EIR can be found in
section 4.2 of these Library Regulations. Renewal of registration
A user’s registration may be renewed if the given user with registration E-resources observes the Library Regulations, this no more than one month before and no more than one year after the expiry of his or her registration. Renewal of registration will no longer be possible if the user applies his or her right to the erasure of his or her personal data.
Conditions of renewal of the validity of registration:
- the presentation of an acceptable valid personal identity card,
- payment of the registration fee (see Price List, section 5.1),
- signing of a declaration: on acquaintance with the Library Regulations and the undertaking to observe them and become acquainted with each new version of them published on the webpages of the LCAS; on checking the accuracy and completeness of the personal data given on the registration form and user account form; on acquaintance with the method of processing of personal data by the LCAS to the extent of and in accordance with the purpose given in the Library Regulations.
Users with registration E-resources may also extend their registration by correspondence (see
point or in online form (see
point If a user with a registration E-resources renews their registration through Bank iD, it will be changed to a registration Complete.
2.6 User account
Every LCAS user will receive a user account form with his or her log-on details during registration. Logging on to his or her user account allows the user to perform the following over the Internet:
- change his or her password for first log-on and change his or her password again at any time,
- monitor his or her personal data processed by the LCAS and, with the exception of basic identification data (see point 2.9.2), also to apply his or her right to the correction of out-of-date or incomplete data or to update his or her personal data directly,
- to export an overview of his or her personal data processed by the LCAS, including his or her history of loans, requests and charges (the transferability of personal data),
- to access EIR without the need for further log-on.
A user with on-site or registration Complete may also:
- monitor his or her account (deadlines for the collection of requested documents, loans, requests, reservations, charges, etc.) and his or her history of loans and requests,
- make requests for loans from depositories,
- submit and cancel reservations for documents that are currently requested, loaned or reserved,
- make, monitor and cancel reservations for an individual study.
Users with registration Complete may also extend the loan period on documents.
2.7 The log-on details
The user is required to
change the password received during registration before starting to use LCAS services that require entering login credentials. A password can be changed in the
user account. Users who had forgotten their password can ask the study room staff to reassign them a password for an initial login (password reset), which they are then required to change before logging in to LCAS services.
Users can also use the
“Forgot password?” link on the LCAS service login page or request a password reset by phone during the daily opening hours. Users are required to change the reset password before logging in to LCAS services. Requests for password reset cannot be processed via email due to personal data protection.
Users and visitors are fully responsible for their log-on details and its possible misuse. They must not communicate them to anyone, including LCAS employees, and must not enable the use of services for which they have logged on using their log-on details.
2.8 One-day registration
2.8.1 Visitors, their entitlement
A visitor is anyone who has, at a given moment, a valid one-day registration and a visitor card, which are used for one-time access to the LCAS collection and/or the study room. Upon registration, the visitor receives LCAS login credentials for access to LCAS Wi-Fi, LCAS computer equipment in the self-service computer study room, and remote access to EIR, valid for one day. A one-day registration and a visitor card are non-transferrable and may be used exclusively by its rightful holder. Visitors are fully responsible for their log-on details. They must not communicate them to anyone, including LCAS employees, and must not enable the use of services for which they have logged on using their log-on details.
During the daily opening hours of the LCAS, the visitor with a one-day registration entitles to use:
- open access collection,
- documents ordered from depositories,
- LCAS Wi-Fi,
- computer equipment and the Internet in the self-service computer study for a period of 120 minutes a day,
- reservation of individual studies for a day,
- EIR, including remote access until midnight of the same day,
- supplementary services (scanner, copier)
- self-service lockers (only for registration with the visitor’s own chip card).
2.8.2 Visitor card
The visitor card is valid on the day of registration and is used for entry to and exit from the protected zone. As a visitor card, the applicants can register their own chip card or have a LCAS card issued. By registering their own chip card, visitors can also use a self-service locker.
The visitor chip card must be compatible with the Mifare standard and contain a photograph, the forename and surname of the visitor. It is also possible to use a valid Mifare-compatible bank card with a chip and contactless technology and with the visitor name and surname. Chip functionality is also required.
The following may be registered as a visitor card:
- a valid bank card of the visitor with a chip and contactless technology,
- a third-party chip card owned by the visitor (e.g. an ISIC card, a Lítačka card, a Czech Railways In Karta Card, etc.).
2.8.3 Conditions of a one-day registration
Conditions of a one-day registration:
- completion of the registration form,
- the presentation of an acceptable valid identity card,
- payment of the pertinent fee for a one-day registration (see Price List, section 5.1),
- signing the declaration: of acquaintance with the Library Regulations and undertaking to observe them; on checking the accuracy and completeness of the personal data given on the registration form; on acquaintance with the method of processing of his or her personal data by the LCAS to the extent of and in accordance with the purpose given in the Library Regulations.
All data in the registration form is used to conclude the contract. Registration will not take place without these details and verification against an acceptable personal ID.
2.8.4 Acceptable means of identification
Personal identification that can be presented by an applicant for a one-day registration:
- a Czech citizen aged 15 or more can present a valid identity card, a driving licence or a passport;
- a foreign national aged 15 or more can present a valid passport or driving licence (EU citizens may also present a valid identity card issued in their home country).
2.9 The processing of personal data
The LCAS processes the personal data of users and visitors on the basis of registration, i.e. a contract on the provision of services, and in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC.
Information on the processing of the personal data of individual categories of users and visitors is available on the
webpages of the LCAS.
The processor of the personal data of users and visitors is the LCAS. Users and visitors can contact the LCAS commissioner for the protection of personal data with their requests, questions and comments at the address Pověřenec – Knihovna AV ČR, v. v. i., Národní 3, 110 00, Praha 1, or at the e-mail address
The LCAS passes the personal data of users and visitors, only to the extent absolutely necessary, to the following categories of recipient:
- authorised employees of the LCAS as processor;
- other entities in cases in which the LCAS is obliged by legal regulations to provide the personal data of users and visitors (e.g. to the Police of the Czech Republic, to administrative bodies);
- to other entities where this is necessary to the protection of the justified interests of the LCAS (e.g. the lawyer of the LCAS, executors, courts, the authorities).
During the processing of personal data, the staff of the LCAS are obliged, first and foremost:
- to ensure its accuracy and completeness and verify it against stipulated personal documentation,
- to avoid action of any kind that might result in unauthorised access to the personal data of users or visitors,
- to observe the confidentiality of personal data and security measures, both during their employment with the LCAS and after it has ended.
2.9.1 The purpose of processing personal data
The LCAS processes basic personal identification and contact data on users and visitors, service data, accounting data and legal data. This data is processed for the purpose of:
- providing services to users and visitors,
- protecting basic rights and freedoms,
- protecting and managing property purchased with public finances,
- keeping records of outstandings and recording data in accounting records,
- meeting the obligations imposed on the LCAS by universally binding regulations, in particular Act 257/2001 Sb. (the library law), Act 127/2005 Sb. on electronic communications, Act 357/2012 Sb. on the preservation, transfer and deletion of traffic and location data, and Act 121/2000 Sb. (the copyright law),
- statistical evaluation of the activity of the LCAS.
2.9.2 The extent of personal data processed
Basic identification data on users and visitors:
- forename and surname,
- date of birth,
- permanent address; place of residence in the Czech Republic in the case of foreign nationals,
- type and number of identity document,
- the state that issued this document.
This information is needed in order to enter into a contract. If the applicant for registration or the applicant for one-day registration does not provide this information to LCAS, the registration will not proceed.
The contact data of the user:
- e-mail address,
- telephone number,
- contact address.
The provision of this contact data is voluntary. If the user provides it to the LCAS, it will serve for the sending of information related to the provision of services (about a requested document available for loan, an automatically renewed loan period, the approaching end of the validity of their registration, etc.) and information related to the protection of their property (forgotten library card, items left in the cloakroom, etc.).
Service data, i.e. data relating to the provision of services, i.e. data on transactions conducted with a user account or credit account, in particular data relating to:
- a library card,
- loans, requests and reservations,
- logging-on to the computer network and user account over the Internet or the public electronic catalogue,
- the reservation and the lease of an individual study,
- the payment of damages for unreturned, lost, destroyed or damaged documents,
- the cash balance on a credit account.
Accounting data is data on financial transactions conducted between a user or visitor and the LCAS. It provides information on their amount and purpose and the time and place at which they were made.
Legal data is data on requests made by users and visitors and on legal steps taken with the aim of recovering a debt, including reminders, legal action, court rulings and execution proceedings.
2.9.3 Changes to personal data
Users are obliged to notify the LCAS immediately of any change to their personal data, even in the case that their registration has already expired but they have not yet met their obligation of returning a loan item or satisfying a debt in respect of the LCAS. Should the LCAS be forced to determine such changed personal data itself, the given user will be obliged to pay the LCAS any costs it has expended for this purpose.
The user will provide notification of any change to his or her personal data by completing a change form and presenting a means of identification or a verification clause for authentication, this in person, by correspondence or in online form. Such a change form must, in all cases, contain the user’s personal data to the extent of his or her forename, surname and date of birth; the LCAS will consider any personal data not entered on the change form by the user as remaining unchanged, and this original personal data will continue to be held in accordance with the provisions of the Library Regulations if the user has provided such data to it in the past. Users may also provide notification of any change to their contact address, e-mail address or telephone number over their user accounts.
Any card registered in the LCAS library system will cease to be valid on any change to the forename or surname of the user; no charge is made for registration or the issuing of a new card with up-to-date data.
Any claim to the provision of advantageous registration for employees of the CAS will expire on the termination of employment with the CAS. Employees of the CAS are obliged to notify the LCAS of this circumstance without delay. Should a former employee of the CAS continue to use LCAS services, he or she must fulfil the conditions of registration applying to the type of registration he or she chooses.
2.9.4 The retention of personal data
The personal data of users and visitors is retained in the form of original documents and copies of documents and in a computer database. Documents are retained on LCAS service premises, and access to them is permitted exclusively to authorised employees of the LCAS.
This relates to:
- registration forms,
- user account forms,
- change notification forms,
- loan cards,
- accounting and legal documents.
The database of library users records basic identification and contact data on users and service data. The database is stored on an LCAS server. Access to this database is protected by a system of access accounts, passwords and rights determined to the extent necessary to the performance of tasks by individual LCAS employees and departmental libraries of the CAS. The LCAS computer network is protected by a firewall and anti-virus program. The data stored in the database of users is protected by a system of security copies.
2.9.5 The period of processing of personal data and its deletion
The LCAS processes the personal data of users from the moment of registration for the duration of the validity of their registration and for 3 years following its termination or until the successful settlement of a request for the termination of personal data processing. In extraordinary cases, the personal data of users is processed for the period absolutely necessary to the recovery and satisfaction of LCAS of outstandings in respect of users.
The personal data of visitors on registration forms is processed by the LCAS from the moment of registration for the duration of its validity and for 6 months following its termination. In extraordinary cases, registration forms are processed for the period absolutely necessary to the recovery and satisfaction of LCAS of debts in respect of visitors, e.g. for the duration of court proceedings, the duration of the performance of a ruling, etc.
2.9.6 The deletion of processed personal data
The personal data of users preserved in forms the LCAS shreds in accordance with the Documentary and Shredding Code of the LCAS and deletes the personal data in the computer database by means of the anonymisation (deletion) of identification data. Anonymised data continues to be used by the LCAS exclusively for statistical purposes. Following the anonymisation of personal data it is not possible to return to the user any financial sums in the user’s credit account (see
point 4.1.8).
The personal data of visitors preserved in forms the LCAS shreds in accordance with the Documentary and Shredding Code of the LCAS. Personal data of visitors is not preserved in the computer database.
2.9.7 The rights of users and visitors associated with personal data protection
The LCAS guarantees the rights of users and visitors as data subjects, i.e. the right:
- to demand of the LCAS, as administrator, confirmation of the processing of their personal data and, if it is being processed, the right of access to this data;
- to the correction of out-of-date or incomplete data;
- to the erasure of their personal data or to the limitation of its processing;
- to the transferability of their data;
- to revoke any agreement they have conferred to the processing of their personal data, this at any time, if the processing of their personal data is based on the conferral of such agreement. Revoking this agreement does not affect the legality of processing based on agreement conferred before such time as it is revoked;
- to submit a complaint to the Office for Personal Data Protection, registered at Pplk. Sochora 27, Prague 7, 170 00, e-mail:
Users and visitors have the right to know which of their personal data the LCAS is processing and to verify the legality of this processing. The LCAS will provide users and visitors with a copy of their processed personal data and allow them to see registration forms and other stored documents relating to the given user or visitor. Users may also obtain an overview of their data processed by the LCAS over their user accounts.
Should a user or visitor suspect that his or her data is inaccurate, he or she has the right to demand its correction. A request for the correction of basic identification data (see
point 2.9.2) may only be submitted using a change form which must be submitted in person at the LRSD along with the presentation of an acceptable valid identity document for the verification of the given personal data. A user may change his or her contact data online over his or her user account, where he or she may also provide or revoke his or her agreement to the processing of his or her history of loans and requests.
A user may request the deletion of his or her personal data at any time during the period in which his or her personal data is processed by the LCAS. A request for deletion may be submitted only by using the form Request for the Termination of Personal Data Processing which must be submitted in person at the LRSD along with the presentation of an identity document for verification of the identity of the applicant.
A user or visitor may, at any time during the period in which his or her personal data is processed by the LCAS, raise an objection to its processing. Such an objection may be submitted in writing using the form Objection to the Processing of Personal Data. Should such an objection from a user be justified, the LCAS will ensure the rectification of the given situation without unnecessary delay.
A user has the right to obtain his or her personal data automatically processed by the LCAS in machine-readable form. This overview, containing personal data processed and the user’s history of loans, requests and charges, is part of the data contained in each user account, from which it can also be exported.
3.1 Off-site loans from depositories
3.1.1 General conditions
An off-site loan from depositories is made whenever this is permitted by the physical condition of the given document and the nature of the holding, and when other serious circumstances do not prevent the performance of the loan. The following items are not available for off-site loans:
- documents intended for on-site loan only and library reference holdings,
- documents from the historical book collection,
- documents issued up to and including the year 1950,
- periodicals,
- original digital data carriers.
3.1.2 User entitlement
Users with valid off-site membership with a library card have the right to off-site loans from depositories.
3.1.3 Loan requests
There is no limit to the number of requests that may be made by a user. The provision of documents may be spread over a number of days if a large number of requests are made by a single user. The staff of the LRSD will notify the user of this fact in advance. A request may be made over a user account, by e-mail, by telephone or in person. Documents requested from the “Národní” depository will, under normal conditions, be prepared for loan within 30 minutes of the submission of a loan request. Documents requested from the “Jenštejn” depository will, under normal conditions, be prepared for loan:
- from 3.00 p.m. on the same day if an order is made by 11 a.m. on the given day;
- from 3.00 p.m. on the following day on which the LCAS is open if an order is made after 11 a.m. on the preceding day.
Documents requested outside LCAS opening hours will be prepared for loan the following day on which the LCAS is open; this within 30 minutes of the opening of the LCAS for documents from the “Národní” depository and from 3.00 p.m. for documents from the “Jenštejn” depository.
3.1.4 Collection period
Requested documents must be collected within eight working days.
Users will be informed of the given document collection period by the staff of the LRSD. The user will also find this collection period given in his or her user account as a request status. The collection period may be shortened depending on the period of valid membership of the user or for reasons associated with a long-term restriction to the provision of LCAS services. The user’s right to loan will cease on the expiry of the document collection period and the user will be obliged to pay a charge for the failure to collect a requested document (see
Price List, section 5.2).
3.1.5 Loan reservations
The reservation of an off-site loan from depositories is an order for a document that has already been requested, loaned or reserved; registration is required to make a reservation and a charge is made for such reservations (see
Price List, section 5.2). A reservation may be made through a user account, by e-mail, by telephone or in person. A reservation applies for a period of three months of the day on which it is made, unless stated otherwise by the user. A reservation may also be cancelled in any of the ways given above before it has been fulfilled. No charge is made for the cancellation of a reservation. Reservations may be made:
- at y the moment at which a requested, loaned or reserved document is returned,
- by the sending of an informational e-mail (or letter) to the user.
Reservations are fulfilled in the order in which they are received (time and date) if more than one reservation is made on a given document.
The LCAS reserves the right to cancel reservations on documents that have become permanently unavailable. The user will be informed of this fact without delay.
Reserved documents must be collected by the date given in the informational e-mail (or letter). The ordinary deadline for collection is eight working days from the settlement of the reservation, though it may be shortened depending on the user’s period of valid membership or a long-term restriction to the provision of LCAS services. The user’s right to the given loan will expire on the expiry of this collection deadline and the user will be obliged to pay a fee for the non-collection of the reserved document (see
Price List, section 5.2).
3.1.6 The loan of documents
A user may have no more than 45 off-site loans agreed at any one time, of which 15 from the “Národní” depository, 15 from the “Jenštejn” depository, and 15 from the freely accessible library holdings. The basic loan period for off-site loans:
- is generally 30 days,
- may be shortened depending on the period of validity of the user’s membership,
- may be extended in the case of a long-term restriction to the provision of LCAS services.
The user may perform the off-site loan of a document:
- on a self-service basis, i.e. by crediting the requested documents to his or her user account using the self-service loan device without the assistance of LCAS staff;
- on an assisted basis, i.e. by the requested documents being credited to the user’s account by the staff of the LRSD.
Documents may be loaned on a self-service basis only by a user who has submitted a request for an off-site loan from a depository over his or her user account. Documents may be loaned on an assisted basis by a user or a person authorised by a user (authorised representative); documents are, in all cases, credited to the user account of the user (authorising party) who has submitted a request for an off-site loan from a depository over his or her user account. Before an off-site loan is made, the authorised party is obliged to show written full powers with the authorisation to act on behalf of the user with the officially attested signature of the authorising party and to present his or her own means of personal identification whose type and number will be recorded by LCAS staff in a note on the loan in the library system. Before the loan of a document the user (or his or her authorised representative) is obliged to examine the document and report any defects discovered to the staff of the LRSD. During the loan period, the user is responsible for documents loaned to him or her and may not loan them to any other person. Should a user return a document with evident defects, changes or impairments, i.e. if the document is damaged or destroyed, the LCAS is entitled to refuse receipt of the given document and demand its replacement. The user’s user account will be blocked and the provision of LCAS services to the user suspended until such time as all the user’s debts in respect of the LCAS are settled. Underlining any part of a document, writing notes in a document, a document becoming dirty or greasy, anything being spilt on a document, any tears or pages being torn out, damage to the cover or binding, etc., i.e. evident damage that reduces the quality of the document or its use, are considered defects, changes or impairments to a document. Ordinary wear corresponding to the age and nature of a document is not considered the destruction of or damage to a document.
3.1.7 Extension of the loan period
The loan period for an off-site loan from depositories is automatically extended two working days before its expiry so long as no loan reservation has been made on the loaned document, the user’s membership is valid for at least another 30 days at the moment of extension, and the user has fulfilled all other obligations in respect of the LCAS. The user will be informed of automatic extension and the new loan period in an informational e-mail. Automatic extension, along with notification of its success or failure, is performed two days before the expiry of the original loan period for the sole reason of ensuring an equal approach to all users, particularly in the case that the loan period cannot be automatically extended for the reasons given below. If the period for which the user’s membership remains valid is less than 30 days though longer than 10 days, the loan period is automatically extended to a date corresponding to the last working day on which the user’s membership remains valid. The user is notified of automatic extension and the new loan period in an informational e-mail. If the period for which the user’s membership remains valid is 10 days or less, the loan period will not be extended and the user will be sent an informational e-mail of the fact that automatic extension will not be performed. The LCAS is not obliged to send users informational e-mails; interruptions to this service will not give users the right to any reduction or waiving of charges for late return. The automatic extension of the loan period will be performed, under the conditions given above, no more than three times, in all cases by 30 days of the date on which the given extension is performed. The total maximum automatically-extended loan period for an off-site loan is 114 days; this period cannot be further extended and the user is obliged to return the loaned document in question by the final day of the loan period at the latest. Should a user not return a document in good time, he or she will be obliged to pay a charge for late return (see
Price List, section 5.3). A loan period may be extended due to a long-term limitation to the provision of LCAS services.
3.1.8 Returning documents
Users may return off-site loans from depositories in the following ways:
- in person or through another person;
- by placing the loaned document in the book return box;
- by post, with consignment insurance.
The user is obliged to return off-site loans from depositories on the last day of the loan period at the latest; documents may, however, be returned earlier. If a user does not return a loaned document on time, he or she is obliged to pay a fee for late return (see
Price List section 5.3). The return of a loaned document using the book return box or by post does not relieve the user of the obligation of paying any charges for late return. Should a user return a document with evident defects, changes or impairments, i.e. if the document is damaged or destroyed, using the book return box or by post the LCAS is entitled to refuse receipt of the given document and demand its replacement (see
point 3.6). The user’s user account will be blocked and the provision of LCAS services to the user suspended until such time as all the user’s debts in respect of the LCAS are settled. Underlining any part of a document, writing notes in a document, a document becoming dirty or greasy, anything being spilt on a document, any tears, pieces of paper being pasted in or pages being torn out, damage to the cover or binding, etc., i.e. evident damage that reduces the quality of the document or its use, are considered defects, changes or impairments to a document. Ordinary wear corresponding to the age and nature of a document is not considered a defect. The LCAS is not obliged to remind the user of the return of off-site loans from depositories. Should it do so by sending the user a reminder to the effect that he or she has exceeded a loan period, the user is obliged to pay charges associated with this reminder in addition to charges for the late return of off-site loans from depositories (see
Price List, section 5.3). The LCAS will issue confirmation of the return of a document only at the request of the user. The issuing of such confirmation must be requested before the given document comprising an off-site loan is presented to the staff of the LRSD. No confirmation of the return of a document will be issued in the case of loaned documents returned using the book return box or by post with consignment insurance. In such cases, the user can check the proper return of loaned documents in his or her user account. A loan is completed by the proper and timely return of the undamaged document to the LCAS and its being removed from the user’s user account. When a loaned document is returned:
- in person or through another person, the loaned document will be removed from the user account immediately after it is returned to the staff of the LRSD;
- using the book return box by the end of the day’s LCAS opening hours, the loaned document will be removed from the user account on the same day;
- using the book return box after the end of the day’s LCAS opening hours, the loaned document will be removed from the user account on the next day on which the LCAS is open;
- by post, with consignment insurance, the loaned document will be removed from the user account immediately following its delivery to the staff of the LRSD;
3.1.9 Charges
Charges for the late return of off-site loans from depositories are:
- stipulated for each calendar day and each individual off-site loan from depositories (see Price List, section 5.3),
- paid by the user, generally in cash or by payment card at the LRSD against proof of payment.
The user’s obligation of paying charges for the late return of off-site loans from depositories will begin on the first day following the expiry of the stipulated loan period and end on the day on which the loaned document is returned or the day on which compensation is made for an LCAS document that is unreturned, lost, destroyed or damaged. Should the user’s total outstanding debt amount to a principal sum of more than 1000 CZK (in words: one thousand Czech crowns), the LCAS will demand attribution on the entire debt in accordance with the Civil Code, in particular interest on late payment. The user is obliged to pay debt attribution. Should the user fail to pay charges for late return and any debt attribution, and thereby fail to fulfil his or her obligations, the LCAS will exact its claims by juridical means. The user is also obliged to pay the costs associated with this exaction. The satisfaction of debt and debt attribution does not affect the right of the LCAS to the payment of any damage incurred.
3.2 Off-site loans from the freely accessible library holdings
3.2.1 General conditions
An off-site loan from the freely accessible library holdings is made whenever this is permitted by the physical condition of the given document and when other serious circumstances do not prevent the performance of the loan. The following freely accessible library holdings are available to users in the protected zone:
- the branch literature holding,
- the journal holding,
- fond referenční literatury,
- the holding of publications of units of the CAS and doctoral dissertations.
Only selected documents from the branch literature holding are designed for off-site loans. These documents have the status “Possible to be taken home” given in the field “Loans type” in the catalogue. Documents from this holding labelled on the spine with a shelf mark printed in white on a black label are not loaned off site. The following items are also not available for off-site loans:
- documents in the holding of journals, reference literature and publications of units of the CAS and doctoral dissertations,
- documents published up to and including the year 1950,
- original digital data carriers.
3.2.2 User entitlement
Users with valid off-site membership with a library card have the right to off-site loans from the freely accessible library holdings.
3.2.3 Loan requests
No requests for off-site loans may be made on documents in the freely accessible library holdings.
3.2.4 Loan reservations
The reservation of an off-site loan from the freely accessible library holdings is an order for a document that has already been loaned or reserved; registration is required to make a reservation and a charge is made for such reservations (see
Price List, section 5.2). A reservation may be made through a user account, by e-mail, by telephone or in person. A reservation applies for a period of three months of the day on which it is made, unless stated otherwise by the user. A reservation may also be cancelled in any of the ways given above before it has been fulfilled. No charge is made for the cancellation of a reservation. A reservation is fulfilled:
- at y the moment at which a requested, loaned or reserved document is returned,
- by the sending of an informational e-mail (or letter) to the user.
Reservations are fulfilled in the order in which they are received (time and date) if more than one reservation is made on a given document.
The LCAS reserves the right to cancel reservations on documents that have become permanently unavailable. The user will be informed of this fact without delay.
Reserved documents must be collected by the date given in the informational e-mail (or letter). The ordinary deadline for collection is eight working days from the settlement of the reservation, though it may be shortened depending on the user’s period of valid membership or a long-term restriction to the provision of LCAS services. The user’s right to the given loan will expire on the expiry of this collection deadline and the user will be obliged to pay a fee for the non-collection of the reserved document (see
Price List, section 5.2).
3.2.5 The loan of documents
A user may have no more than 45 off-site loans agreed at any one time, of which 15 from the “Národní” depository, 15 from the “Jenštejn” depository, and 15 from the freely accessible library holdings. The basic loan period for off-site loans:
- is generally 30 days,
- may be shortened depending on the period of validity of the user’s membership,
- may be extended in the case of a long-term restriction to the provision of LCAS services.
The user may perform the off-site loan of a document:
- on a self-service basis, i.e. by crediting selected documents from the branch literature holding to his or her user account using the self-service loan device without the assistance of LCAS staff;
- on an assisted basis, i.e. by the crediting of selected documents from the branch literature holding to the user’s account by the staff of the LRSD.
Documents may be loaned on a self-service basis only by the user to whose user account the documents are to be credited, i.e. loaned off-site.
Documents may be loaned on an assisted basis by a user or a person authorised by a user (authorised representative); documents are, in all cases, credited to the user account of the user (authorising party) who is loaning them off-site. Before an off-site loan is made, the authorised party is obliged to show written full powers with the authorisation to act on behalf of the user with the officially attested signature of the authorising party and to present his or her own means of personal identification whose type and number will be recorded by LCAS staff in a note on the loan in the library system. Before the loan of a document the user (or his or her authorised representative) is obliged to examine the document and report any defects discovered to the staff of the LRSD. During the loan period, the user is responsible for documents loaned to him or her and may not loan them to any other person. Should a user return a document with evident defects, changes or impairments, i.e. if the document is damaged or destroyed, the LCAS is entitled to refuse receipt of the given document and demand its replacement. The user’s user account will be blocked and the provision of LCAS services to the user suspended until such time as all the user’s debts in respect of the LCAS are settled. Underlining any part of a document, writing notes in a document, a document becoming dirty or greasy, anything being spilt on a document, any tears or pages being torn out, damage to the cover or binding, etc., i.e. evident damage that reduces the quality of the document or its use, are considered defects, changes or impairments to a document. Ordinary wear corresponding to the age and nature of a document is not considered the destruction of or damage to a document.
3.2.6 Extension of the loan period
The loan period for an off-site loan from the freely accessible library holdings is automatically extended 2 working days before its expiry so long as no loan reservation has been made on the loaned document, the user’s membership is valid for at least another 30 days at the moment of extension, and the user has fulfilled all other obligations in respect of the LCAS. The user will be informed of automatic extension and the new loan period in an informational e-mail.
Automatic extension, along with notification of its success or failure, is performed two days before the expiry of the original loan period for the sole reason of ensuring an equal approach to all users, particularly in the case that the loan period cannot be automatically extended for the reasons given below.
If the period for which the user’s membership remains valid is less than 30 days though longer than 10 days, the loan period is automatically extended to a date corresponding to the last working day on which the user’s membership remains valid. The user is notified of automatic extension and the new loan period in an informational e-mail.
If the period for which the user’s membership remains valid is 10 days or less, the loan period will not be extended and the user will be sent an informational e-mail of the fact that automatic extension will not be performed.
The LCAS is not obliged to send users informational e-mails; interruptions to this service will not give users the right to any reduction or waiving of charges for late return.
The automatic extension of the loan period will be performed, under the conditions given above, no more than three times, in all cases by 30 days of the date on which the given extension is performed. The total maximum automatically-extended loan period for an off-site loan is 114 days; this period cannot be further extended and the user is obliged to return the loaned document in question by the final day of the loan period at the latest. Should a user not return a document in good time, he or she will be obliged to pay a charge for late return (see
Price List, section 5.3). Výpůjční lhůta může být prodloužena z důvodu dlouhodobého omezení poskytování služeb KNAV.A loan period may be extended due to a long-term limitation to the provision of LCAS services.
3.2.7 Returning documents
Users may return off-site loans from the freely accessible library holdings in the following ways:
- in person or through another person;
- by placing the loaned document in the book return box;
- by post, with consignment insurance.
The user is obliged to return off-site loans from the freely accessible library holdings on the last day of the loan period at the latest; documents may, however, be returned earlier. If a user does not return a loaned document on time, he or she is obliged to pay a fee for late return (see
Price List, section 5.3). The return of a loaned document using the book return box or by post does not relieve the user of the obligation of paying any charges for late return. Should a user return a document with evident defects, changes or impairments, i.e. if the document is damaged or destroyed, using the book return box or by post the LCAS is entitled to refuse receipt of the given document and demand its replacement (see
point 3.6 ).
The user’s user account will be blocked and the provision of LCAS services to the user suspended until such time as all the user’s debts in respect of the LCAS are settled.
Underlining any part of a document, writing notes in a document, a document becoming dirty or greasy, anything being spilt on a document, any tears, pieces of paper being pasted in or pages being torn out, damage to the cover or binding, etc., i.e. evident damage that reduces the quality of the document or its use, are considered defects, changes or impairments to a document. Ordinary wear corresponding to the age and nature of a document is not considered a defect.
The LCAS is not obliged to remind the user of the return of off-site loans from the freely accessible library holdings. Should it do so by sending the user a reminder to the effect that he or she has exceeded a loan period, the user is obliged to pay charges associated with this reminder in addition to charges for late return (see
Price List, section 5.3). The LCAS will issue confirmation of the return of a document only at the request of the user. The issuing of such confirmation must be requested before the given document comprising an off-site loan is presented to the staff of the LRSD. No confirmation of the return of a document will be issued in the case of loaned documents returned using the book return box or by post with consignment insurance. In such cases, the user can check the proper return of loaned documents in his or her user account. A loan is completed by the proper and timely return of the undamaged document to the LCAS and its being removed from the user’s user account. When a loaned document is returned:
- in person or through another person, the loaned document will be removed from the user account immediately after it is returned to the staff of the LRSD;
- by placing a loaned document in the Národní book returns box by the end of daily LCAS opening hours, the loaned document will be removed from the user account the same day;
- by placing a loaned document in the Národní book returns box after the end of daily LCAS opening hours or placing it in the Vodičkova book returns box, the loaned document will be removed from the user account on the following day on which the library is open;
- by post, with consignment insurance, the loaned document will be removed from the user account immediately following its delivery to the staff of the LRSD.
3.2.8 Fees
The fees for late returns of external loans from open-access library collections are:
- charged for each calendar day and for each individual external loan from the open-access library collections (see Price List, section 5.3),
- usually paid by the user in cash or by credit card at the LRSD, with a receipt provided for the payment.
The obligation to pay fees for the late return of external loans from open-access library collections arises on the first day following the expiration of the set loan period and ends on the day the borrowed document is returned, or the day the compensation for an unreturned, lost, destroyed, or damaged document is provided to LCAS. If the total debt owed by the user exceeds 1,000 CZK (in words: one thousand Czech crowns), LCAS will demand additional fees for the entire debt according to the Civil Code, particularly late interest. The user is obligated to pay the additional fees. If the user does not pay the fees for the late return and any associated debt charges, thereby failing to meet their obligations, LCAS will pursue its claims through legal action. The user is also required to cover the costs associated with this enforcement. Settlement of the debt and its associated charges does not affect LCAS’s right to claim compensation for any incurred damages.
3.3 On-site loans from depositories
3.3.1 General conditions
An on-site loan from a depository is made whenever this is permitted by the physical condition of the given document and the nature of the holding, and when other serious circumstances do not prevent the performance of the loan.
3.3.2 User entitlement
Users with valid registration with a library card and visitors with a valid one-day registration have the right to on-site loans from depositories.
3.3.3 Loan requests
A request for an on-site loan from a depository is not linked to registration or the validity of the user’s or visitor’s membership and no charge is made for it. Such a loan request may be made over a user account (LCAS users only) and by e-mail, by telephone and in person. There is no limit to the number of loan requests that may be made by a user or visitor. The provision of documents may be spread over a number of days if a large number of requests are made by a single user or visitor. The staff of the LRSD will notify the user or visitor of this fact in advance. Documents requested from the “Národní” depository will, under normal conditions, be prepared for loan within 30 minutes of the submission of a loan request. Documents requested from the “Jenštejn” depository will, under normal conditions, be prepared for loan:
- from 3.00 p.m. on the same day if an order is made by 11 a.m. on the given day;
- from 3.00 p.m. on the following day on which the LCAS is open if an order is made after 11 a.m. on the preceding day.
Documents requested outside LCAS opening hours will be prepared for loan the following day on which the LCAS is open; this within 30 minutes of the opening of the LCAS for documents from the “Národní” depository and from 3.00 p.m. for documents from the “Jenštejn” depository.
3.3.4 Storage period
Documents requested for on-site loans from depositories will be stored at the LRSD and may not be taken out of the protected zone. The basic storage period is generally eight working days. Users and visitors will be informed of the given storage period by the staff of the LRSD. The user will find this storage period in his or her user account as a request status. The storage period may be shortened:
- depending on the period of valid membership of the user;
- for reasons associated with a long-term restriction to LCAS service provision.
The right to loan will cease on the expiry of the storage period and the requested document will be returned to the depository.
3.3.5 Loan reservations
The reservation of an on-site loan from a depository is an order for a document that has already been requested; registration is required to make a reservation and a charge is made for such reservations (see
Price List, section 5.2). A reservation may be made through a user account, by e-mail, by telephone or in person. A reservation applies for a period of three months of the day on which it is made, unless stated otherwise by the user. A reservation may also be cancelled in any of the ways given above before it has been fulfilled. No charge is made for the cancellation of a reservation. A reservation is fulfilled:
- at the moment at which a requested document is returned,
- by the sending of an informational e-mail (or letter) to the user.
Reserved documents will be stored at the LRSD until the date given in the informational e-mail (or letter). The ordinary storage period is eight working days from the settlement of the reservation, though it may be shortened depending on the user’s period of valid membership or a long-term restriction to the provision of LCAS services. The user’s right to the given loan will expire on the expiry of this period.
3.3.6 Loan of documents
An on-site loan from a depository is made at the moment at which the staff of the LCAS present the requested document to the user or visitor. The staff of the LCAS will record on-site loans from depositories by recording both the loan request and the user’s library card or the visitor’s pass containing his or her photograph, forename and surname at the LRSD. Should a visitor fail to provide LCAS staff with a corresponding pass one loan ticket will be made out for each on-site loan he or she requests from a depository. The visitor will confirm an on-site loan by completing the required personal data and signing each such loan ticket. The staff of the LCAS are entitled to demand that the visitor presents means of identification for the purposes of checking the personal data given. The staff of the LCAS will, in such case, record the on-site loan from a depository by filing the loan ticket completed and signed by the visitor at the LRSD. Before the loan of a document the user or visitor is obliged to examine the document and report any defects discovered to the staff of the LRSD. The user or visitor is responsible for documents loaned to him or her and may not loan them to any other person.
3.3.7 Extending the storage period
The storage period for on-site loans from depositories may be extended:
- no more than five times, for eight working days,
- only before its expiry, so long as no loan reservation has been made on the given document.
An extension may be requested in person, by telephone or by e-mail. The storage period may be shortened, for example if the end of the user’s valid membership is drawing close or in the case of a long-term restriction to the provision of LCAS services.
3.3.8 Returning documents
Users and visitors are obliged to return on-site loans from depositories:
- by the end of the day’s LCAS opening hours,
- by returning the loaned document to the staff of the LRSD.
A loan is completed by the proper and timely return of the undamaged document to the LCAS. Should a user or visitor return a document with evident defects, changes or impairments, i.e. if the document is damaged or destroyed, the LCAS is entitled to refuse receipt of the given document and demand its replacement. The user’s user account will be blocked and the provision of LCAS services to the user suspended until such time as all the user’s debts in respect of the LCAS are settled. Underlining any part of a document, writing notes in a document, a document becoming dirty or greasy, anything being spilt on a document, any tears or pages being torn out, damage to the cover or binding, etc., i.e. evident damage that reduces the quality of the document or its use, are considered defects, changes or impairments to a document. Ordinary wear corresponding to the age and nature of a document is not considered the destruction of or damage to a document.
3.4 On-site loans from the freely accessible library holdings
3.4.1 User entitlement
Users with valid registration with a library card and visitors with a valid one-day registration have the right to on-site loans from the freely accessible library holdings.
3.4.2 Loan requests and reservations
No loan requests or reservations may be made on documents in the freely accessible library holdings.
3.4.3 The loan of documents
Documents from the freely accessible library holdings are loaned on-site exclusively within the LCAS protected zone. An on-site loan is made whenever a user or visitor takes a document from the freely accessible library holdings in his or her hand.
3.4.4 Returning documents
An on-site loan from the freely accessible library holdings is completed at the moment the user or visitor leaves the protected zone, in which he or she has left the loaned document. The user or visitor will leave any document loaned from the freely accessible library holdings on the table in the LCAS protected zone. He or she should not return it to the shelf.
3.5 Loans from the historical book collection
3.5.1 General conditions
A loan from the historical book collection will be made only if it is approved by the staff of the LCAS and its loan is not prevented by other serious circumstances. The possible loan will be assessed before each document is loaned with a view to the relationship between the value and physical condition of the document and the importance of the research in question.
3.5.2 User entitlement
Only researchers have the right to loans from the historical book collection, i.e. users with a registered research card and valid off-site or on-site membership with a library card.
3.5.3 Loan requests
A request for a loan from the historical book collection is not linked to registration or the validity of the user’s membership and no charge is made for it. Such a loan request may be made:
The document will usually be prepared for loan by the time proposed by the orderer in his or her order, though on the next day on which the library is open following the submission of the loan request at the earliest. A request for a loan from the historical book collection may also be made by submitting a completed order form to the staff of the LRSD, by e-mail or by telephone. Documents ordered in these ways will be prepared for loan at a time agreed individually with the orderer, though on the next day on which the library is open following the submission of the request at the earliest.
3.5.4 Loan of documents
Documents from the historical book collection are loaned exclusively to authorised users (see
point 3.5.2) and only in the Research Room which is open during normal library operation from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday to Friday. Each loan from the historical book collection is recorded on a research card. The researcher will confirm the loan made from the historical book collection with his or her signature on each recorded loan. A researcher may have no more than two documents loaned from the historical book collection at any one time.
3.5.5 Extending the loan period
The loan period for loans from the historical book collection may not be extended. A new loan request must be made on the given document.
3.5.6 Returning documents
Researchers are obliged to return documents loaned from the historical book collection:
- by the end of daily opening hours in the Research Room at the latest,
- by presenting the loaned document to a member of LRSD staff.
A loan is completed by the proper and timely return of the undamaged document to the LCAS.
3.6 Lost documents and methods of payment
3.6.1 Basic provisions
Users and visitors are responsible in full for the condition of each document they loan (including documents loaned through interlibrary services) and are obliged to notify the LCAS without delay if they are unable to return a document due to its loss, destruction or damage. This applies regardless of whether the given damage was caused by the user or visitor deliberately or by neglect, whether it was caused by a third party, or whether the destruction or damage of the given document was not the fault of the user or visitor (higher power). Should a user return a document with evident defects, changes or impairments, i.e. if the document is damaged or destroyed, the LCAS is entitled to refuse receipt of the given document and demand its replacement. The user’s user account will be blocked and the provision of LCAS services to the user suspended until such time as all the user’s debts in respect of the LCAS are settled. Underlining any part of a document, writing notes in a document, a document becoming dirty or greasy, anything being spilt on a document, any tears or pages being torn out, damage to the cover or binding, etc., i.e. evident damage that reduces the quality of the document or its use, are considered defects, changes or impairments to a document. Ordinary wear corresponding to the age and nature of a document is not considered the destruction of or damage to a document.
3.6.2 Methods of payment
The LCAS will demand compensation in one of the following ways for any document that is not returned or that is lost, destroyed or damaged:
- its replacement with another copy of the same publication of the same edition and binding (equivalent replacement);
- its replacement with a newer edition of the same publication;
- its replacement with another publication of the same informational and financial value;
- financial compensation with attribution.
These methods of compensation are given in the order of preference of the LCAS. The LCAS will rule on the method of compensation and the deadline for its fulfilment in all cases, and will notify the user or visitor of its decision.
3.6.3 Ruling on replacement
The period for replacement begins to run immediately the user or visitor is notified of the ruling on replacement. This ruling will stipulate the type and extent of replacement and the deadline for its fulfilment. Any pertinent charges and any debt attribution will also be stipulated in accordance with
section 5.4 of the Price List, and any other information necessary to the proper fulfilment of the obligations of the user or visitor will also be communicated.
3.6.4 Replacement with a different publication
Should the LCAS rule on the replacement of the given document with another copy of the same edition and binding, a newer edition of the same publication, or another publication of the same informational and financial value, the user or visitor is obliged to present the given publication (replacement) within the fulfilment deadline to the staff of the LRSD and to pay the charge for replacement with a different publication in cash or by payment card (see
Price List, section 5.4).
3.6.5 Monetary compensation
Should the LCAS rule on monetary compensation, the user or visitor is obliged to pay the amount assessed, including a charge for monetary compensation, within the stipulated period (see
Price List, section 5.4). The user or visitor will, in accordance with the ruling on the method of replacement, pay monetary compensation for any unreturned, lost, destroyed or damaged document to the amount of:
- the current purchase price of the same edition and binding of the publication, if the publication is available on the market, this including appropriate and necessary expenses for the procurement of the publication;
- the current purchase price of a newer edition of the publication, if the publication is available on the market, this including appropriate and necessary expenses for the procurement of the publication;
- value available on the market, this including appropriate and necessary expenses for the procurement of the publication;
- a charge for each page of copy of the document replaced, including the stipulated charge for document binding (price of binding). The number of pages is determined from the bibliographic record at the LCAS. The number of copies recorded by the LCAS will be used to determine the price for documents with pages that are not numbered.
The LCAS is also entitled to demand monetary compensation if only parts of a document are damaged or if the loss, destruction or damage to a document relates only to part of a work comprised of more than one volume if this has caused a reduction to the value of the set as a whole. In such cases, the amount of monetary compensation will be determined, first and foremost, by an expert judgement.
3.6.6 Compensation for historical documents
The user is obliged to pay monetary compensation, including debt attribution (in particular punitive interest and the costs of exacting debt at the pertinent court) in the case of historical and rare documents, documents of collector interest, documents of cultural importance, unique documents and other similar cases. The level of monetary compensation will be stipulated on an individual basis in such cases, for example by expert judgement or as the price reached by a document at auction, a price in an antiquarian bookshop, a price given in an auction catalogue, etc.
Should a user or visitor lose, damage or destroy a CD, CD-ROM or DVD electronic media carrier which is a supplement to a primary document, he or she is obliged to pay a fee for the loss of the electronic media carrier within the fulfilment deadline (see
Price List, section 5.4).
3.6.8 Exaction of compensation
Should the user or visitor fail to provide the stipulated compensation for a loaned document or fail to pay monetary compensation and attribution properly and in good time, thereby failing to fulfil his or her obligation within the given deadline, the LCAS will exact its claims by juridical means. The user or visitor will also be obliged to pay the costs associated with this exaction. The LCAS will pursue exaction by juridical means if a user or visitor does not return a document in accordance with these Library Regulations and fails to take appropriate action, remains out of contact or fails to response to any reminder sent following the expiry of the loan period. The LCAS will demand or exact monetary compensation, including further pertinent charges, as well as attribution (in particular punitive interest and the costs of exacting debts at the pertinent court). The staff of the LCAS are, for the purposes of exacting debts in respect of users and visitors, obliged to retain the originals of papers and documents relating to the user or visitor and his or her loans (in particular, his or her application, loan tickets, reminders, documentation on the sending and delivery of correspondence, correspondence returned by the postal service and undelivered consignments, etc.) and other relevant documents demonstrating a violation of the obligations arising from these Library Regulations and other legal regulations on the part of the user or visitor.
3.6.9 Placement of compensation in the fund
Compensation for unreturned, lost, destroyed and damaged documents will be placed in the fund within two months at the latest of the day on which the user or visitor makes compensation for the original LCAS publication in the stipulated manner.
4.1 Reprographic services
4.1.1 General conditions
Users and visitors may make copies of LCAS documents themselves in the protected zone or order the making of copies. All data and copies of works or parts of works obtained (in whatever form, on whatever medium) serve exclusively for the personal needs of the user or visitor. Any other use of data and copies of works obtained, in particular their further dissemination, copying, reproduction, loan, distribution (including distribution on computer networks), sale or other misuse, is not permitted. Users and visitors are obliged to observe Act 121/2000 Sb. in its full wording (the Copyright Law). When using EIR, users and visitors are also bound by the conditions defined in the pertinent licence agreements, the contents of which will be communicated by the staff of the EIR Department on request (e-mail:
Users and visitors may make self-service printed or digital copies of documents and print out documents from the self-service computer study (see
point 4.1.6) or take advantage of the possibility of printing on their own devices with a wireless connection to the LCAS computer network (see
point 4.1.7). Researchers may make copies for their own personal needs from the historical book collection using their own digital devices without using flash, or they may place an order with the LRSD for copies. The price of copying services is subject to section
5.10 of the Price List.
4.1.2 Printed copies to order
Requests for the production of printed copies are handled by the staff of the LCAS Bookbinding and Copying Centre. A request may be made directly at the
LCAS Bookbinding and Copying Centre or by completing and submitting an order for the production of printed copies to the staff of the LRSD. Black-and-white, colour, single-sided or double-sided copies may be ordered in A3 and A4 formats. Copies will await collection by the user or visitor at the LRSD after 12.00 noon on the next working day following the submission of the given order.
4.1.3 Self-service printed copies
Users and visitors may use printing (copying) equipment connected to the MyQ system for self-service copying of printed black-and-white, colour, single-sided and double-sided copies in A3 and A4 formats. Users and visitors will set the copy parameters themselves following the instructions located in the vicinity of the print equipment. Users and visitors are obliged to treat documents copied in a careful and considerate manner. Users and visitors are not permitted to make printed copies on material they bring in to the library themselves.
Users can either deposit the financial sum necessary for payment of the copy in their credit account (see
point 4.1.8) or can request the loan of a card for printing and copying at the LRSD. Visitors use the card for printing and copying loaned from the LRSD exclusively. Users and visitors borrowing the print/copy card can be asked to leave a card with their name and face (e.g., ISIC, Lítačka, etc.) as collateral. The amount due may be paid upon return of the card for printing and copying either by cast or payment card.
4.1.4 Self-service digital copying
A self-service book scanner is available to users and visitors for the production of digital copies. No charge is made for the use of this scanner. Digital copies are stored on the user or visitor’s own mobile memory disk. The user or visitor is obliged to handle copied documents in a careful and considerate manner.
4.1.5 Copies from the historical book collection
Researchers may make copies for their own personal study purposes from the historical book collection using their own digital devices without using flash, or place an order with the Loan and Reference Services Department for copies to be made by LCAS staff on a book scanner. Such a request from a researcher will be rejected should making digital copies not be possible in view of the physical condition of the given document from the historical book collection. Researchers undertake to use digital copies from the historical book collection exclusively for their own personal study purposes. Copies for the purposes of publication may be made exclusively by LCAS staff using a book scanner (xerographic copies may not be made). Researchers can order copies at the Loan and Reference Services Department, whose staff must consult the staff of the Department of Historical Bibliography on the procedure for document reproduction. Such a request from a researcher will be rejected should making digital copies not be possible in view of the physical condition of the given document from the historical book collection. Should digital copies be intended to accompany a published study or published in another way, the researcher is obliged to request of the LCAS the provision of one-off reproduction rights. Basic bibliographic details on the publication in which the reproduction is to be published or details on any other intended method of publication (web, CD-ROM, etc.) must be stated in the given request. The staff of the Department of Historical Bibliography will rule on the provision of one-off reproduction rights.
Researchers provided with one-off reproduction rights for publication are obliged:
- to use digital copies exclusively for the purpose given in their request for the provision of one-off reproduction rights,
- to state correct identification details on the document, including the accession number, and the official title of the LCAS, i.e. The Library of the Czech Academy of Sciences, in the text and during reproduction,
- to provide the LCAS with one documentary copy,
- not to provide any digital copy for further publication or use by any third party.
The price for the production and storage of digital copies from the historical book collection and the provision of one-off reproduction rights is subject to
Section of the Price List.
4.1.6 Printing documents in the self-service computer study
Users and visitors may print out documents in A4 and A3 formats, in black-and-white and colour, on one side or both sides on self-service print (copy) equipment connected to the MyQ system. Users and visitors must set their print parameters themselves in accordance with the instructions located at computer stations and by print devices.
Users can either deposit the financial sum necessary for payment of the copy in their credit account (see
point 4.1.8) or can request the loan of a card for printing and copying at the LRSD. Visitors use the card for printing and copying loaned from the LRSD exclusively. Users and visitors borrowing the print/copy card can be asked to leave a card with their name and face (e.g., ISIC, Lítačka, etc.) as collateral. The amount due may be paid upon return of the card for printing and copying either by cast or payment card.
4.1.7 Printing documents on your own devices
Users and visitors may print from their own devices connected to the LCAS computer network on self-service print (copy) devices connected to the MyQ system. Users can either deposit the financial sum necessary for payment of the copy in their credit account (see
point 4.1.8) or can request the loan of a card for printing and copying at the LRSD. Visitors use the card for printing and copying loaned from the LRSD exclusively. Users and visitors borrowing the print/copy card can be asked to leave a card with their name and face (e.g., ISIC, Lítačka, etc.) as collateral. The amount due may be paid upon return of the card for printing and copying either by cast or payment card.
4.1.8 Credit account
Each user has a credit account in the MyQ system into which he/she can deposit a financial sum of a maximum of 500 CZK (in words: five hundred Czech crowns) at the LRSD. A sum corresponding to the parameters of printing or copying set by the user is debited from this credit account following processing of the given task by the printing (copying) equipment. Should the user not have the amount necessary for payment of the corresponding printing or copying parameters in his/her credit account, the given task will not be processed. Any unused financial sum will remain in the user’s credit account until it is exhausted, until the successful settlement of a request from the user for the return of any unused cash in his/her credit account, or until the deletion of the user’s processed personal data (see
point 2.9.6). The user should request the return of any unused financial sum from his/her credit account at the LRSD. The given sum will be returned to the user in the way chosen by the user, this either within 14 days into the bank account the user communicates to the staff of the LRSD during settlement of his/her request or in cash at the LRSD within two LCAS opening days.
4.2.1 Access to EIR
The LCAS makes EIR bound by licence conditions and EIR not covered by licence conditions available to users and visitors over its webpages. Users and visitors may access licenced EIR in the self-service computer study and on their own devices connected to the LCAS computer network. Users may also access licensed EIR to which remote access is available on their own devices outside the protected zone. An application for membership for remote access without a library card may be made in person, by correspondence or in online form without the need to visit the LCAS in person (see
section 2.5).
4.2.2 Conditions of access to EIR
Access to EIR is permitted to all users with valid registration and visitors with a valid one-day registration. Accessing EIR by means of remote access is conditional to the user entering his or her log-on details. The same user name and password used to log on to the user account are also used to log on for remote access;visitors use the log-on details received during registration. Access to individual EIR is facilitated through links such as “remote access EZProxy” or “remote access Shibboleth” from the
overview on the LCAS website; users and visitors do not log on directly on the webpages of individual databases. EIR are meant for personal use by registered library users and visitors only. LCAS users and visitors must not allow third parties access to the EIR.
4.2.3 Personal data and data security
Data on the user to the extent of his or her first name, last name and user e-mail may be passed in encrypted form to content providers registered with when the user logs on for remote access to EIR databases. In such case, the content provider will handle this data in accordance with valid legal regulations.
4.2.4 Rules of EIR use
All data accessed and acquired must be used in accordance with Act 121/2000 Sb. in its full wording (The Copyright Law), this exclusively for the personal use of the user or visitor, i.e. for academic, study or teaching purposes, while observing the principles of citation etiquette. The user or visitor to whom access to EIR has been permitted bears exclusively responsibility, including responsibility under criminal law, for any violation of any kind of the Copyright Law or the licence conditions of EIR use. The downloading of entire editions or titles of electronic journals and e-books or other large parts of EIR is prohibited. Reproducing and disseminating any obtained data in any way, making it available to third parties or making it available for further distribution is also prohibited. When using EIR, the user or visitor is also bound by the conditions defined in the pertinent licence agreements, the contents of which will be provided on request by the staff of the EIR Department (e-mail:
4.2.5 Violation of the provisions of the Library Regulations
Any users or visitors violating the Library Regulations during the use of EIR will be notified of this fact by the staff of the LCAS and requested to refrain from the given violation immediately. In the case of repeated violation of the Library Regulations, the staff of the LCAS have the right to block the user’s user account and discontinue the provision of access to the LCAS Wi-Fi and remote access to LCAS EIR for a period of six months. Should a visitor again violate the Library Regulations, the staff of the LCAS have the right to deny the visitor the possibility of any further registration for a period of six months. Should the user or visitor again violate the Library Regulations following the expiry of this six-month period of discontinued provision of LCAS services, his or her right to use LCAS services may be revoked permanently. In extraordinary cases, the right of a user or visitor to use LCAS services may be revoked permanently without the prior six-month withdrawal of service provision. The Director of the LCAS will rule on the permanent revoking of the right to use LCAS services. The right to use LCAS services being revoked on a temporary or permanent basis does not relieve the user or visitor in question of the responsibility and obligation of paying for any damage caused and paying other debts in respect of the LCAS in accordance with these Library Regulations and valid legal regulations. Should a user or visitor be suspected of having committed a criminal act on LCAS premises, he or she is obliged to await the arrival of the Police of the Czech Republic and to follow the instructions of LCAS staff and security staff during this time.
4.3 Interlibrary services
4.3.1 General conditions
The LCAS mediates loans of documents and copies of papers and essays in all branches of science from Czech and foreign libraries for users in accordance with binding regulations valid in the domestic and international interlibrary loan service. Legislative documents on the provision of interlibrary services are available at the address Charges for late return apply to documents loaned through the interlibrary service and are subject to the price list (see
Price List, section 5.3). The user is obliged to report any loss, damage or destruction of a document supplied through the interlibrary loan service to the LCAS without delay. The replacement of a document by the user is subject to
section 3.6 of these Library Regulations.
The Interlibrary Services Department is, under normal conditions, open: Tuesday 9 a.m.–7 p.m., Monday, Wednesday–Friday 9 a.m.–3 p.m.
4.3.2 Domestic interlibrary loan services
If a document requested by a user is not found in the library holdings of the LCAS or another library in Prague, the LCAS will mediate its loan from another library in the Czech Republic for the user.
The user will request mediation of the loan by completing and sending the web form “
Order for a loan from a Czech library not in Prague”
on the LCAS Web Pages; the LCAS will confirm acceptance of this order by automatically sending a copy of it to the user’s e-mail address.
The provision of a requested document generally takes two to three weeks, though it may take longer. The user will be informed by e-mail or telephone (using the contact data given in the order) of the fact that he or she can make collection of the given document. The user will collect the requested document in person from the Interlibrary Services Department.
The loan period for documents loaned through the domestic interlibrary service is stipulated on an individual basis, and the user bears exclusive responsibility for its observation. The document’s loan period may be extended if the document is not reserved at the library supplying it and if the user has valid membership. Users may study documents stipulated by the library supplying them as being for on-site loans only at the Interlibrary Services Department.
The user will pay postage for the return of the document to the library that supplied it (see
Price List, section 5.6.1) and any other costs stipulated by the library supplying the given document.
4.3.3 Domestic interlibrary reprographic services
If a document requested by a user is not found in the LCAS library holdings, the LCAS can mediate the provision of copies of a paper or essay from another library in the Czech Republic. The user will request mediation of the provision of copies by completing and sending the web form “
order for a copy from a Czech library” on the LCAS WebPages; the LCAS will confirm acceptance of this order by automatically sending a copy of it to the user’s e-mail address. The period of provision of requested copies is generally five working days, though it may be longer. The user will be informed by e-mail or telephone (using the contact data given in the order) of the fact that he or she can make collection of the given copies. Users will collect requested copies from the LRSD in person. Copies of documents acquired by the LCAS from other libraries are designed exclusively for the personal use of the user who is obliged to act in accordance with the provisions of Act 121/2000 Sb. in its full wording (the Copyright Law). The user will pay the costs for the making of copies stipulated by the library supplying the given copies.
4.3.4 International interlibrary loan services
If a document requested by a user is not found in the holdings of a library in the Czech Republic, the LCAS will mediate its loan from a foreign library.
The user will request mediation of the loan by completing and sending the web form “
Order for a loan from abroad“ on the LCAS WebPages; the LCAS will confirm acceptance of this order by automatically sending a copy of it to the user’s e-mail address. The provision of a requested document generally takes two to three weeks, though it may take longer. The user will be informed by e-mail or telephone (using the contact data given in the order) of the fact that he or she can make collection of the given document. The user will collect the requested document in person from the Interlibrary Services Department. The loan period for documents loaned through the international interlibrary service is stipulated on an individual basis, and the user bears exclusive responsibility for its observation. The document’s loan period may not be extended. Users may study documents stipulated by the library supplying them as being for on-site loans only at the Interlibrary Services Department. International interlibrary loan services are provided for a fee (see
Price List, section 5.6.2).
4.3.5 International interlibrary reprographic services
If a document requested by a user is not found in the holdings of a library in the Czech Republic, the LCAS can mediate the provision of copies of a paper or essay from a foreign library. The user will request mediation of the provision of copies by completing and sending the web form “
order for a copy from abroad” on the LCAS WebPages; the LCAS will confirm acceptance of this order by automatically sending a copy of it to the user’s e-mail address.
The period of provision of requested copies is generally five working days, though it may be longer. The user will be informed by e-mail or telephone (using the contact data given in the order) of the fact that he or she can make collection of the given copies. The user will collect the requested copies in person from the Interlibrary Services Department. Copies of documents procured by the LCAS from other libraries are designed exclusively for the personal needs of the user, who is obliged to act in accordance with the provisions of Act 121/2000 Sb. in its full wording (the Copyright Law).
International interlibrary reprographic services are provided for a fee (see
Price List, section 5.6.2).
4.3.6 The non-provision of a requested document
If requested documents or copies have not been supplied within one month of the acceptance of an order for an interlibrary service, the staff of the LCAS will contact the user and inform him or her of the state of the given order. If an order is not settled within three months of its acceptance by the LCAS, it will be returned to the user as unsettled.
4.4 Computer equipment and the Internet in the self-service computer study
4.4.1 General conditions
The services of the computer study are available in a self-service mode; the LCAS provides no support to users and visitors during their use. Each user or visitor may use only one computer station with one associated study position for his or her personal purposes at any given moment and is obliged to relinquish it whenever he or she leaves the self-service computer study or computer station for more than 15 minutes.
4.4.2 Logging in
Users with valid registration with a library card and visitors with a valid one-day registration may use the computer equipment and Internet in the self-service computer study after logging on. Users will use the same user name and password to log on as they do to log on to their user account; visitors will use the log-in details received during registration. Each user or visitor may be logged on to just a single computer station at any one time.
4.4.3 Daily limit
There is a time limit to work in the self-service computer study. The daily limit for which users and visitors may use the computer equipment in the self-service computer study is a maximum of 120 minutes and may not be further extended, it is however possible to purchase additional one-day registrations. This period of time may be used exclusively during daily LCAS opening hours. The LCAS reserves the right to shorten this daily limit for the use of computer equipment in justified cases. Users and visitors may interrupt their use of this daily limit at any time by logging off from the computer station. The remainder of the daily limit is rounded down to the whole minute whenever the user or visitor logs off. All data that the user or visitor has not saved on his or her own USB disk will be lost irrevocably every time the user or visitor logs off.
The self-service computer study is designed for the use of EIR, for study purposes and for accessing freely accessible data of an academic nature on the Internet. Users and visitors are obliged to use information sources on the Internet in accordance with legal and moral standards and the Library Regulations. It is prohibited to search for, view, print or disseminate webpages with pornographic, sexual or erotic content, ethnically or religiously offensive content, pages promoting racism or violence, pages encouraging the use of drugs or other narcotic substances, and pages serving for commercial purposes (e.g. advertising, auctions, betting, etc.) or purposes other than study purposes.
4.4.5 The Copyright Law
Users and visitors are obliged to observe Act 121/2000 Sb. in its full wording (The Copyright Law). The copying and distribution of parts of the operating system or installed LCAS applications and programs and the downloading or sharing of works protected by copyright (books, films, music, software, etc.) is prohibited. The copying of electronic carriers from the LCAS holding is not allowed, unless permitted by licence conditions. All data acquired and copies of works or parts of works (in whatever form, on whatever medium) serve exclusively for the personal needs and study purposes of users and visitors. Their use in any other way, and in particular their further dissemination, copying, reproduction, loan, distribution (including distribution on computer networks), sale or other misuse is not permitted. The use of copies of works and computer programs obtained from licensed sources is subject to the conditions of the licence agreements closed (see
section 4.2 of these Library Regulations).
4.4.6 Calm and consumption
Users and visitors must not disturb others in the self-service computer study room by talking or turning on the sound of any electronic device brought in. Only non-alcoholic beverages in resealable bottles or cups with lids on may be consumed here. A rest room is reserved for the consumption of non-closable beverages, all food and silent conversations, including telephone conversations.
4.4.7 Access rights
Users and visitors may work on the LCAS computer network exclusively under their allocated LCAS user name and may not try to obtain access rights that do not belong to them by any means. Should users or visitors obtain access rights that do not belong to them in any way (including system hardware or software errors), they are obliged to report this fact to a member of LCAS staff without delay.
4.4.8 Software
Users and visitors may not use any software in the self-service computer study, including mobile programs, other than software offered by the system.
4.4.9 Computer equipment
Users and visitors bear full responsibility for any intervention they make in the configuration of computer equipment that might be capable of affecting the operation of computer equipment or the LCAS computer network in any way. They are further responsible in full for any damage caused by illicit handling of computer equipment, including damage caused by computer viruses. Users and visitors are obliged to pay the LCAS any costs incurred by any damage they cause to any computer equipment.
4.4.10 The LCAS computer network
Users and visitors may not interfere with the work of other users of the LCAS computer network or the running and performance of the network as a whole (e.g. by excessive overloading of the network source, the dissemination of illegal content, targeted attacks or unauthorised access to other computers or other networks, the dissemination of computer viruses or other damaging software, the sending of unsolicited mail or Spam, etc.).
4.4.11 Monitoring by LCAS staff
Users and visitors take note of the fact that all the activity they conduct on a computer station is subject to monitoring by LCAS staff. Members of LCAS staff respect the privacy of users and visitors during their work and do not share the content displayed on monitors or the content of the pages they visit on the Internet with anyone, with the exception of cases violating these Library Regulations. If LCAS staff discover a violation of these Library Regulations and the user or visitor in question fails to heed their request for the immediate cessation of the given illicit activity, LCAS staff will pass any information and evidence discovered to members of LCAS managerial staff for further measures and will take further action in accordance with
point 1.2 of these Library Regulations.
4.4.12 Personal data
If a user or visitor provides his or her personal data or data serving for his or her identification (e.g. information about his or her private life, person or third parties, e-mail address, Internet purchases, Internet banking, etc.) on the Internet, he or she does so expressly at his or her own risk. By doing so, the user or visitor exposes him or herself to the risk of the misuse of his or her personal data and the risk of identity theft, and any user or visitor who does so will be fully responsible for any damage arising. The LCAS hereby declares that it is not responsible for the decision of the user or visitor or for the dissemination of any information that the user or visitor decides to release about him or herself or any third parties on the Internet.
4.4.13 Data storage
The folder “Download” is pre-set for the temporary storage of downloaded data; users and visitors must use their own USB disk for the permanent storage of data. All data stored on a computer station, including the content of the folder “Download”, is automatically and irrevocably erased at the moment the user or visitor logs off from the computer station, at the moment the daily limit is exhausted and when the computer is switched off at the end of daily LCAS opening hours.
4.4.14 Restrictions and interruptions to the operation of the self-service computer study
The LCAS is not responsible for any damage that might be caused to users or visitors as a result of technical problems or other serious reasons resulting in the restriction or interruption of the operation of the self-service computer study. Users and visitors have no legal right to the use of computer equipment and the Internet in the self-service computer study.
4.5 LCAS Wi-Fi
4.5.1 General conditions
Users and visitors may use the LCAS Wi-Fi after logging in to the LCAS computer network. They are fully responsible for their log-on details and its possible misuse. They may not communicate it to anyone, including LCAS employees, or enable the use of services for which they have logged on using their details. The user or visitor has no right to this connection, particularly in the case of technical problems. The LCAS does not provide users or visitors with technical support during the use of this service. Users and visitors may use the LCAS Wi-Fi during daily LCAS opening hours on an unlimited basis.
The LCAS Wi-Fi is designed for the use of EIR, for study purposes and to provide access to freely accessible data of an academic nature on the Internet. Users and visitors are obliged to use sources of information on the Internet in accordance with legal and moral standards. Users and visitors are prohibited from searching for, viewing, printing or disseminating WebPages with pornographic, sexual or erotic content, offensive ethnic or religious content, pages promoting racism, violence or the use of drugs and narcotics, pages serving commercial purposes (e.g. advertising, auctions, gambling, etc.) and any pages serving purposes other than study purposes.
4.5.3 Copyright Law
Users and visitors are obliged to observe Act 121/2000 Sb. in its full wording (The Copyright Law). All data and copies of works or parts of works obtained (in whatever form, on whatever medium) serve exclusively for the personal needs and study purposes of users and visitors. Their use in any other way, and in particular their further dissemination, copying, reproduction, loan, distribution (including distribution on computer networks), sale or other misuse, is not permitted, particularly for commercial purposes. The use of copies of works and computer programs obtained from licensed sources is subject to the conditions of the licence agreements closed (see
part 4.2 of these Library Regulations).
4.5.4 Rules of Internet use and violation of the Copyright Law
The downloading or sharing of works protected by copyright (films, music, software, etc.) is prohibited at the LCAS. Should a user or visitor violate the Copyright Law during his or her activity on the Internet or other network service, he or she will be notified by LCAS staff of this fact and the fact that the staff of the LCAS have the right to deny the user access to the LCAS Wi-Fi for a period of three months and the visitor the possibility of any further registration if he or she commits a repeated violation of the Library Regulations. Should the user violate the Library Regulations following the expiry of this three-month period of denial of access to the LCAS Wi-Fi, the staff of the LCAS have the right to block his or her user account and deny the user in question the provision of LCAS services for a period of six months. Should a visitor commit a repeated violation of the Library Regulations, the staff of the LCAS have the right to deny the visitor the possibility of any further registration for a period of six months. Should a user or visitor violate the Library regulations following the expiry of this six-month period in which LCAS services are discontinued, his or her right to use LCAS services may be revoked permanently. In extraordinary cases, the right of a user or visitor to use LCAS services may be revoked permanently without the prior three-month and six-month withdrawal of service provision. The Director of the LCAS will rule on the permanent revoking of the right to use LCAS services. The right to use LCAS services being revoked on a temporary or permanent basis does not relieve the user or visitor in question of the responsibility and obligation of paying for any damage caused and paying other debts in respect of the LCAS in accordance with these Library Regulations and valid legal regulations. Should a user or visitor be suspected of having committed a criminal act on LCAS premises, he or she is obliged to await the arrival of the Police of the Czech Republic and to follow the instructions of LCAS staff and security staff during this time.
4.5.5 Access rights
Users and visitors may work on the LCAS computer network exclusively under the user name allocated to LCAS users and visitors. Users and visitors may not try to obtain access rights that do not belong to them by any means. Should users or visitors obtain access rights that do not belong to them in any way (including system hardware or software errors), they are obliged to report this fact to a member of LCAS staff on duty without delay.
4.5.6 LCAS computer network
Users and visitors may not deliberately interfere with the work of other users of the LCAS computer network or the running and performance of the network as a whole (e.g. by excessive overloading of the network source, the dissemination of illegal content, targeted attacks or unauthorised access to other computers or other networks, the dissemination of computer viruses or other damaging software, the sending of unsolicited mail or Spam, etc.).
4.5.7 Personal data
If a user or visitor provides his or her personal data or data serving for his or her identification (e.g. information about his or her private life, person or third parties, e-mail address, Internet purchases, Internet banking, etc.) on the Internet, he or she does so expressly at his or her own risk. By doing so, the user or visitor exposes him or herself to the risk of the misuse of his or her personal data and the risk of identity theft, and any user or visitor who does so will be fully responsible for any damage arising. The LCAS hereby declares that it is not responsible for the decision of the user or visitor or for the dissemination of any information that the user or visitor decides to release about him or herself or any third parties on the Internet.
4.5.8 Liability for damages
Users and visitors are responsible for the technical state of their own devices that they use to connect to the LCAS Wi-Fi (e.g. for adequate anti-virus protection, any other protection necessary offered by the given device, etc.). Users and visitors are responsible in full for any damage incurred by the LCAS by their connecting devices that are not adequately secured to the LCAS computer network (e.g. damage caused to the LCAS by the dissemination of illegal content, attacks on other devices over the LCAS computer network or other networks, the sending of unsolicited mail – Spam, etc. from the inadequately secured device of a user or visitor). Users and visitors are also responsible in full for any damage caused by their using their own devices in contradiction of technical standards and the recommendations of the manufacturer of the device on the LCAS computer network (e.g. damage resulting from a fire caused by the user or visitor’s own device, etc.).
4.5.9 Violation of the provisions of the Library Regulations
Should a user or visitor connect to the LCAS computer network on his or her own device that interferes in any way with the security of this network or uses LCAS Wi-Fi in contradiction of the Library Regulations, he or she will be notified of his or her violation of the Library Regulations and asked to disconnect his or her device. Should the user or visitor fail to comply with this request from the staff of the LCAS, further action will be taken in accordance with
point 1.2 of these Library Regulations.
4.5.10 Failure or poor quality of the computer network
The LCAS is not responsible for any failure or poor quality of the LCAS Wi-Fi or for any damage that might be incurred by the user or visitor as a result of such circumstances.
4.6 Research services
Orders for research services are made by e-mail: A charge is made for these services (see
Price List, section 5.7). A request may be made for:
- citation analyses from the Web of Knowledge and Scopus databases;
- the determination of Impact Factor from Journal Citation Reports;
- Hirsch-index searches of the Web of Science and Scopus databases;
- consultation relating to databases.
4.7 Individual studies
4.7.1 General conditions
Individual studies are lockable premises in the protected zone designed primarily for short-term lease for a duration of one, five or twenty days. One study position, which may be used by only one leaser at any one time, is available in each individual study. The operating hours of individual studies is identical to the daily LCAS opening hours.
4.7.2 The leaser of an individual study
A leaser of an individual study is a user who has, before the beginning of the agreed period of lease of an individual study at the latest, settled all his or her obligations in respect of the LCAS, this including the payment of the lease fee, and who has formally taken over an individual study from LCAS staff. For the duration of the lease an individual study may be used exclusively by one leaser who may not enable the use of the individual study by other persons. A leaser may have only one individual study leased on any given day. The individual study leased must remain unlocked when the leaser is present in the given premises and be locked in his or her absence. The leaser will keep the key to the leased individual study on his or her person for the entire duration of the lease and may not give it to any other person. The staff of the LCAS are entitled to check on the identity of the leaser at any time during opening hours during the period of lease of an individual study, this by requesting the presentation of a library card or personal identity card.
4.7.3 The reservation system
The lease of an individual study must be reserved in advance. The lease of an individual study may be reserved by a user with valid registered membership with a library card exclusively through the reservation system on his or her user’s account. The reservation of a lease may be performed 14 days in advance at the earliest and by 8.30 a.m. on the first day of the period of lease at the latest. The LCAS will confirm the acceptance of a reservation automatically by sending a confirmation e-mail stating the precise and binding first day of the period of lease and the day of the termination of the lease.
4.7.4 The cancellation of a reservation for the lease of an individual study
he cancellation of a reservation for the lease of an individual study may be performed without charge by 9.00 a.m. on the first day of the period of lease at the latest, this exclusively using this reservation system on your user account. The library does not allow the cancellation of reservations after this time and the obligation of paying the lease fee or cancellation fee will be incurred (see
point 4.7.9). No charge is made for the cancellation of a reservation of lease. Fees paid for the lease of an individual study are refunded to the payment card or to a bank account of the user and the individual study is made available for further reservation.
4.7.5 Payment of the lease fee
The lease fee must be paid by 6.30 p.m. at the latest on the first day of the lease period. Payments are made either on-line by payment card through a user account or by payment card or in cash at the LRSD.
Should the lease fee not be paid by the stipulated deadline, the reservation will be cancelled and the individual study made available for further reservation. The user will be obliged to pay a cancellation fee (see
point 4.7.9).
4.7.6 The commencement of lease, the take-over of an individual study
Users are obliged to report to the LRSD to take over their reserved individual study by 6.30 p.m. on the first day of the period of lease at the latest. On this day the user will, following the presentation of his or her library card and the checking of the fulfilment of all his or her obligations in respect of the LCAS, including the payment of the lease fee, be lent a key to an individual study by LRSD staff and this loan will be recorded on his or her user account; the user will confirm the loan of this key by means of his or her signature on the loan ticket. A member of staff of the LRSD will then acquaint the leaser with the state of the given individual study and the rules relating to its use, following which the take-over protocol will be signed and the leased individual study handed over. Should the user fail to report to the LRSD at the stipulated time to take over the individual study, his or her reservation will be cancelled and the individual study made available for further reservation. The user will incur the obligation of paying a cancellation fee (see
point 4.7.9). Should the user fail to pay this cancellation fee within a period of three days of the cancellation of his or her reservation, thereby failing to fulfil his or her obligation, the LCAS will exact its rights by judicial means. The user is also obliged to pay the costs associated with this exaction.
4.7.7 The end of the lease
The lease of an individual study ends by 6.30 p.m. at the latest on the day of the end of the lease, or at an earlier time at the request of the leaser communicated to LRSD staff during daily LCAS opening hours by 6.30 p.m. at the latest at any time during the period of lease of an individual study (hereafter merely the “day of the end of lease”). The lease fee pay by the leaser is not returned either in whole or in part if a lease is ended early at the request of the leaser and the period of lease will be considered as having been properly exhausted. On the day of the end of the lease, the leaser is obliged to report to the LRSD to hand over the individual study and return the loaned key to the individual study. The individual study in question will be checked in the presence of the leaser and taken over, along with the key, by the staff of the LRSD; the leaser is obliged to hand over the individual study on the day of the end of the lease undamaged and cleared along with the undamaged key. The loan of the key to the individual study will then be removed from the user account at the LRSD. The LCAS will issue confirmation of the return of a key exclusively at the request of the leaser. A request for the issuing of such confirmation must be made before the return of the key to a member of staff of the LRSD. The loan of a key to an individual study is terminated by the prompt and proper hand-over of the undamaged individual study along with the undamaged key and its removal from the user account of the user. Should the staff of the LRSD discover during the hand-over of an individual study that its fixtures or fittings have been damaged in any way, the leaser’s user account will be blocked and the provision of LCAS services to him or her interrupted until such time as all outstandings of the LCAS in relation to the leaser have been settled.
4.7.8 The use of an individual study during the period of lease Calm and consumption
The leasers of individual study rooms are required to use the study room in accordance with the purpose of the hire. They must not have the sound on for any electronic device brought in and must not disturb the surroundings with talks, including telephone calls. They may only consume non-alcoholic beverages in resealable bottles or cups with the lid on. A rest room is reserved for the consumption of non-closable beverages, all food and silent conversations, including telephone conversations. Leaving items in individual studies
It is prohibited to leave food and drinks in individual studies during the period of lease. Food and other perishables will be disposed of on the same day after the end of daily LCAS opening hours without compensation. The LCAS is not responsible for personal effects, computer equipment, valuables, money, documents or any other items left by the leaser in an individual study during his or her lease. The daily inspection of individual studies
Every time he or she enters an individual study, the leaser is obliged to check its current state and properly report any shortcomings discovered to the staff of the LRSD without delay. Should he or she not do so, he or she will be responsible for all costs associated with the rectification of any shortcomings found. LCAS staff and cleaning services enter all individual studies (including leased studies) every day after opening hours have ended to perform checks and regular cleaning work. Should LCAS staff discover during the inspection of an individual study that its fixtures or fittings have been damaged in any way, the user account of the leaser will be blocked and the provision of LCAS services to the given leaser interrupted until such time as all the obligations of the LCAS in respect of the given leaser are settled. In serious cases, the LCAS reserves the right to terminate the lease of the individual study prematurely (proceeding in accordance with
point 4.7.7). The leaser may not leave documents from the freely accessible library holdings designed for on-site loans or unloaned documents from the freely accessible library collections designed for off-site loans in an individual study when he or she leaves an individual study on any given day or after daily LCAS opening hours have ended. Such documents will be returned to the freely accessible library holdings by LCAS staff. Food and other perishables will be disposed of on the same day without compensation.
> The limitation or interruption of the operation of individual studies
The LCAS is not responsible for any damages incurred by leasers in the case of the sudden interruption or limitation of the operation of individual studies for operational, technical or other serious reasons (higher power). Should such a situation arise, the leaser is obliged to respect the organisational instructions of members of LCAS staff.
4.7.9 Cancellation and other fees
A cancellation fee to the amount of 100 % of the pertinent lease fee is charged (see
Price List, section 5.5). The user will incur the obligation of paying the cancellation fee if he or she fails to cancel his or her reservation properly in accordance with
point 4.7.4 and fails to pay the lease fee by the stipulated deadline (see
point 4.7.5) and/or fails to report to the LRSD to take over the reserved individual study (see
point 4.7.6). Should a leaser fail to return the key on the day of the end of his or her lease, or damage or lose the key to an individual study, he or she will be obliged to pay a fee for the purchase and replacement of the lock (see
Price List, section 5.9) and his or her user account will be blocked and the provision of LCAS services to him or her interrupted until all obligations of the LCAS in respect of the user are settled. Should the leaser return the undamaged key to an individual study within 14 calendar days of the day of the end of his or her lease, he or she will be obliged to pay merely a fee for the replacement of the lock (see
Price List, section 5.9).
4.7.10 The safekeeping of unremoved items
Items remaining in an individual study after the end of the lease will be removed by LCAS staff and recorded and stored at the LRSD where the leaser will be able to collect them within a period of 14 days during daily LCAS opening hours. Foods and other perishables will be disposed of without compensation. When collecting items stored at the LRSD that have been left in an individual study, the leaser is obliged:
- to submit a library card or personal identity card,
- to confirm the collection of the given items in writing,
- to pay a storage fee (see Price List, section 5.9).
4.7.11 The return of the lease fee in the case of the unforeseen interruption or limitation of operations
The leaser will have no right to the return of the lease fee, either in whole or in proportionate part, in the case of any unforeseen short-term closure of the LCAS. For these purposes, the short-term closure of the LCAS means any closure on one day for part of daily LCAS opening hours. In the case of the unforeseen long-term closure of the LCAS for operational, technical or other serious reasons, the leaser will be returned a proportionate part of the lease fee for each day on which operations are interrupted following the first day of the closure of the study. For these purposes, the long-term closure of the LCAS means its closure for one day and more lasting the entire daily LCAS opening hours.
4.7.12 The lease of a free individual study
Should an individual study be free, a user with valid registered membership with a library card may agree a one-day lease of an individual study at the LRSD in person on the day of his or her visit to the LCAS without using the reservation system, this at the longest for a period by 6.30 p.m. on the given day. The lease fee for 1 opening day is fixed and must be paid regardless of whether the user is to use an individual study for the whole or merely part of opening hours. The conditions given in
section 4.7 aet seq. of these Library Regulations relate correspondingly to other matters concerning the one-day lease of an individual study.
These prices are final and include VAT according to valid legislation. If not specified otherwise, prices are related to the services in the study (e-mail:, tel.: 221 403 208, operating hours: Monday–Friday, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.).
5.1 Registration, library card
Registration Complete – in person |
valid for 365 days |
280 CZK |
valid for 365 days from the age of 70 |
150 CZK |
valid for 183 days |
150 CZK |
Registration Complete – via Bank iD |
valid for 365 days |
280 CZK |
valid for 365 days from the age of 70 |
150 CZK |
Registration Study+ – in person |
valid for 365 days |
280 CZK |
valid for 365 days from the age of 70 |
150 CZK |
valid for 183 days |
150 CZK |
Registration E-resource – in persone, online or data |
valid for 365 days |
280 CZK |
Registration E-resource – by correspondence (70 CZK postage surcharge) |
valid for 365 days |
350 CZK |
Registration Day |
valid for 1 calendar day |
50 CZK |
Issuing an LCAS library card |
50 CZK |
First registration of own bank or chip card |
free |
Issuing a visitor card to the user |
10 CZK |
Issuing of a duplicate LCAS library card |
70 CZK |
Second and subsequent registration of own bank or chip card – in person |
10 CZK |
Second and subsequent registration of own bank or chip card when renewing registration – Bank iD |
free |
5.2 Requests and reservations
Failure to collect a requested document |
10 CZK |
Loan reservation |
10 CZK |
Failure to collect a reserved document |
10 CZK |
5.3 Late return and reminders
Fee for late return – 1 calendar day / 1 document |
3 CZK |
1st reminder |
10 CZK |
2. upomínka |
10 CZK |
3rd reminder |
10 CZK |
Ředitelská upomínka (doporučený dopis) |
400 CZK |
Lawyer’s reminder |
1.000 Kč |
Fee for late return documents loaned through the interlibrary service – 1 calendar day / 1 document |
10 CZK |
5.4 Loss of a document
Charges for damage caused by failure to return, loss, damage or destruction of a document.
Fee for replacement with a different publication (for each document) |
50 CZK |
Fee for monetary compensation (for each document) |
100 Kč |
Fees for document copying and binding – see ceník Reprografického a knihařského centra KNAV |
Fee for loss of electronic carrier |
50 CZK |
5.5 Fees for the lease of an individual study room
Lease fee |
1 opening day |
100 CZK |
5 opening days |
400 CZK |
20 opening days |
1000 CZK |
Lease fee for a soundproof study room |
2 hours |
50 CZK |
5.6 Interlibrary services
* costs stipulated by library supplying services
5.6.1 Domestic interlibrary loan services
Domestic interlibrary loan service |
* |
Domestic interlibrary loan services, postage |
70 CZK |
Domestic interlibrary reprographic services |
* |
5.6.2 International interlibrary services for users
International interlibrary loan services |
500 CZK |
International interlibrary loan services from the British Library and overseas |
700 CZK |
International interlibrary reprographic services, for each commenced 5 pages |
60 CZK |
Fees for late return |
* |
5.6.3 International interlibrary services for CAS employees
International interlibrary loan services |
250 CZK |
International interlibrary loan services from the British Library and overseas |
450 CZK |
International interlibrary reprographic services, for each commenced 5 pages |
40 CZK |
Fees for late return |
* |
5.7 Research services
Services are provided by the LRSD (e-mail:
For each commenced hour of research – employees of the CAS |
100 CZK |
For each commenced hour of research – others |
250 CZK |
5.8 E-books on Demand (EOD)
Handling fee |
200 CZK |
Fee for 1 digitalised page |
4 CZK |
Fee for sending e-book by post on CD/DVD carrier – Europe including CR |
150 CZK |
Fee for sending e-book by post on CD/DVD carrier – Other countries |
200 CZK |
5.9 Other fees
Storage fee |
for the first 5 days |
100 CZK |
for each day thereafter |
25 CZK |
Fee for damage to peripherals (keyboard, mouse) |
500 CZK |
Fee for payment by transfer from abroad |
200 CZK |
Fee for purchase of lock if key to individual study is not returned promptly or is damaged or lost |
1.000 Kč |
Fee for replacement of lock if key to individual study is not returned promptly or is damaged or lost |
200 CZK |
5.10 Reprographic and bookbinding services
5.10.1 Reprographic services in the study Self-service printing of documents and printed copies
A4, black-and-white, |
one side |
1 CZK |
both sides |
2 CZK |
A3, black-and-white |
one side |
2 CZK |
both sides |
4 CZK |
A4, colour |
one-side |
6 CZK |
both sides |
12 CZK |
A3, colour |
one side |
12 Kč |
both sides |
24 CZK | Self-service digital copying
A self-service book scanner is available to users and visitors for the production of digital copies. No charge is made for the use of this scanner. |
free of charge | Copies from the historical book collection
Digital copy / 1 page of document, colour scan |
15 CZK |
Digital copy / 1 page of document from a document already digitalised |
10 CZK |
Storage on DVD/CD (including media) |
80 CZK |
Storage on USB HDD / flash disk |
20 CZK |
Storage on Internet storage site |
20 Kč |
Provision of one-off reproduction rights / 1 page of document for scientific publishing |
free of charge |
Provision of one-off reproduction rights / 1 page of document for purposes other than scientific publishing |
1.000 CZK |
Postage for delivery – according to the valid tariffs of Czech Post |
Printing and copying
The service can be ordered from the LRSD.
More information about the services »
5.10.2 Reprographic and Bookbinding Centre
Operating hours of the Reprographic and Bookbinding Centre: Monday–Thursday, 7 a.m. to 3 p.m., Friday 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. Contact:, tel.: 221 403 263, -243
Více informací o službách Ceník platný od 1. 10. 2022. Printing and copying
Black-and-white printing and copying
A4, one side |
1–99 CZK |
2,40 CZK |
above 100 pcs |
2 CZK |
both sides |
1–99 pcs |
3,60 CZK |
above 100 pcs |
3 CZK |
A3, one side |
1–99 ks |
4,30 CZK |
nad 100 ks |
3,60 Kč |
A3, both sides |
1–99 pcs |
5,50 CZK |
above 100 pcs |
4,80 CZK |
Additional fee for scanning from a book / 1 page |
1 CZK |
Colour printing and copying
A4, one side |
1–99 pcs |
9,60 CZK |
100–199 pcs |
9 CZK |
above 200 pcs |
8,40 CZK |
A4, both sides |
1–99 pcs |
18 CZK |
100–199 pcs |
16,80 CZK |
above 200 pcs |
15,60 CZK |
A3, one side |
1-99 pcs |
16,80 CZK |
100-199 pages |
15,60 CZK |
above 200 pages |
14,40 CZK |
A3, both sides |
1–99 pcs |
31,20 CZK |
100–199 pcs |
26,40 CZK |
above 200 pcs |
24 CZK | Scanning
Original up to A4, 1 page |
black-and-white |
2,40 CZK |
colour |
6 CZK |
Original up to A3, 1 page |
black-and-white |
4,80 CZK |
colour |
9,60 CZK |
Additional fee for scanning from a book / 1 page |
1 CZK |
Scanning of more than 1000 pages is provided by the Digitization centre, the price is on request with regard to the specific parameters of an order (e-mail:, tel. 286 851 955, Binding
Whole-bound boards + print
Whole-bound boards + print |
A5 |
239 CZ |
A4 |
397 CZK |
A3 |
558 CZK |
Glued binding with metal spine (Unibind)
Basic binding A4, width of spine |
do 21 mm |
47 CZK |
21–45 mm |
56 CZK |
Folio boards A4 + imitation leather with print |
114 CZK |
Imitation leather boards A4, no print |
96 CZK |
Imitation leather boards A4, with print |
126 CZK |
Binding on plastic spiral
A4 binding on spiral |
up to 25 mm |
38 CZK |
up to 45 mm |
49 CZK |
Thermal binding
Thermal binding A4–A5 |
41 CZK |
Saddle stitching, 2 dips (workbook) |
8,40 CZK |
Corner stitching |
3 CZK | Other bookbinding services
Perforation |
3 CZK |
Collating |
3 Kč |
Folding |
3 CZK |
ZPreparing of diploma board (A4) |
160 CZK |
Pasting-in 2 corners for diploma attachement |
10 Kč | Printing and binding of dissertations
* We can’t guarantee express binding, if the working capacity RBC is replete. Call to get more information 221 403 243.
A4, black-and-white |
one side |
2 CZK |
both sides |
3,60 CZK |
A4, colour |
one side |
7,20 CZK |
Dissertation binding service (cloth or leatherette boards) |
three-hour* |
354 CZK |
one-day |
302 CZK |
three-day |
252 CZK |
Dissertation binding service (glued binding with metal spine – Unibind) |
two-hour* |
355 CZK |
one-day |
302 CZK |
Print on the spine |
25 CZK |
File flap manufacture |
2 CZK |
Production of flaps |
25 CZK |
CD sleeve |
4 CZK |
Binding into the original cover (repair) |
100 CZK |
Pasting-in- of pages |
43 CZK |
Ribbon for attachments |
15 CZK | Lamination, Passe-partout
Lamination |
A5 |
17 CZK |
A4 |
32 CZK |
A3 |
42 CZK |
Pasparta |
A6 |
158 CZK |
A5 |
239 CZK |
A4 |
317 CZK |
A3 |
476 CZK | Custom boxes fabrication
Price on request with regard to the specific parameters of an order (e-mail:, tel.: 221 403 263, -243)
Library Regulations
During registration and its renewal, users will confirm with their signature that they have acquainted themselves with the Library Regulations, agree to the conditions given in them and undertake to observe them, and that they will acquaint themselves with each new version of these Library Regulations released by the LCAS on its WebPages. During registration, visitors will confirm with their signature that they have acquainted themselves with the Library Regulations, agree to the conditions given in them and undertake to observe them.
The Director of the LCAS or an employee accredited by the Director of the LCAS may permit exceptions to the Library Regulations.
The LCAS reserves the right to update these Library Regulations. The valid wording of the Library Regulations will be displayed on its WebPages (
These Library Regulations come into effect on 2. 5. 2024. The Library Regulations of 5. 4. 2024 will cease to be valid on 1. 5. 2024. All rights and obligations relating to the period of their validity continue to remain effective in respect of the parties.
Ing. Magdaléna Vecková
Director of the Library of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Prague, 2. 5. 2024