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Vyhledávání v katalogu

New in the fund

Electronic information resources

Nabízíme vám přístup k renomovaným databázím, jako jsou Science, EBSCO nebo Web of Science. Zaregistrujte se a odemkněte si články pro vaše studium, výuku či vědecký výzkum.


In the online catalogue you can find a large part of our collection, order, reserve, track your borrowings and manage your account.

Open Science

We focus on the areas of Open Access and Open/FAIR data.

ASEP system

The Library of the CAS coordinates the data collection, provides modifications, development and support of the ASEP system. The basis of the ASEP system is a database containing bibliographic records of scientific outputs, full texts of publication outputs and data records.

Tips in the digital library

In addition to digitized documents, it also contains publications created only in digital form (born-digital documents), mainly newer articles from professional periodicals and electronic monographs published by CAS institutions.

Virtuální prohlídka studovny

Shopping Basket

Virtuální procházka Knihovnou AV ČR

Virtual Tour of the Library of the Czech Academy of Sciences